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“For every species of beasts and birds, of reptiles and creatures of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by the human race” (James 3:7).

What has more power?  The tongue or a strong man?  It is the tongue, the ability to communicate, which makes a key difference between man and beast — such a small thing that makes such a big difference.  Christ has come to make all things new.  What will be the new thing that will set apart the new man in Christ?  We shall see, but it is probably something we would not expect.

Lord, You know how deliberately confusing some in this world are.  They look you in the eye and lie.  Animals do not lie to you.  This difference can also be used for good.  Turn my tongue away from the fire of this rebellious age and toward You and the Good Word You give by grace.  You know what I need.  Lead me to go where I need to go so that I may have Your word on my lips always.

Lord Jesus, You are the Word made flesh.  You have come in order that all those who come through You would live into the new life which comes by grace.  Guide me today to speak the word You would have me speak.  Turn my heart so that it is sensitive to You and others.  Lead me to live out those fruits of the Spirit which You grant so that I may be guided into living in a godly way.  Amen.

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