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“Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment” (James 3:1).

One of the problems in a world where truth is relative, is that anyone and everyone thinks their opinion is equal to everyone else’s.  That may be the way of the world, but we are warned that one needs to know what they are talking about before they talk.  The Lord wants the truth spoken – not your version of what you think the truth is. We are accountable to the Lord.  Do as the Lord calls you to do: speak the truth that is absolute.

Lord, there are parts of Your word which I easily listen to and then other parts which I ignore.  All of Your word is profitable.  Guide me in the call You have given me so that I would not go where I have not been called, nor teach where I have not been empowered by You to teach.  In You, Lord, is all wisdom and I ask You to grant me that wisdom through Your mercy and grace.

I hear You, Lord.  Help me take all the tasks You give me seriously.  Nothing is more important than You.  You have given me the words of eternal life and all the words in this age are temporary.  Lead me in wisdom, Holy Spirit, in order that I would not shirk what is right and good, but live into the goodness and mercy You have given me.  Let me be responsible and respect those who are responsible and called by You.  Amen.

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