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“Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up Isaac his son on the altar?” (James 2:21)

Look carefully at the sequence of events with Abraham and you will see that faith was first.  He was willing to do what God asked him to do even though it seemed that in doing so, he would lose what was promised.  He believed God.  That is, He trusted God and when God told him to do something, he did it.  Yes, it really is that simple.  Do you listen to the Lord and then step out in trust to do what He says?

Lord, I know that You speak to me through Your Word.  Sometimes You speak to me when I pray.  There are many ways that You speak, but often I do not listen.  My hearing needs to be healed.  Guide me to become one who acts upon the instructions You give.  Teach me to not just take in the words You give, but act upon them and live them out faithfully.  You have given me the words of eternal life.

Lord Jesus, before You ascended, You told the disciples that You have all authority.  You told us to make disciples, baptize, and teach everyone to obey all that You command.  Guide me, Lord, in the way of everlasting life so that I would live into the promises You give (live into, that is, do what You ask me to do).  That last part is about obeying.  Lord, teach me to obey all that You command.  Amen.

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