Devotion for Tuesday, May 31, 2022

“This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God” James 1:19-20).

The anger of man, not the anger of God.  But for you, it is important to focus on the first.  What power do you have to do anything?  What does your anger accomplish?  Is it not mostly that you are being reminded that you are powerless?  Be slow to act in anger and think about what the Lord has said.  Know that He alone knows what is right and good.  Walk in His way always.

Lord, You know where my emotions get the better of me.  Lead me, Lord, in the way of truth that I would walk humbly with You, listening to Your Word and seeking first Your righteousness.  Open my ears, let the words of my mouth be acceptable in Your sight and help me to step out in faith as one who does what You require.  You know where the obstacles are, Lord.  Remove them so that I may walk in this faith You have given me.

Dear Lord Jesus, You died to regulate my loud mouth, anger, frustration, and desire to control others.  You died so that my ears might be opened and my heart changed.  You died and rose again because You are God and I am not.  Let me die to sin and then live for You, my Lord and God, in order that I may become what You have always intended me to be.  Teach me how to do these things which are against my sinful nature.  Teach me to be like You.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, May 30, 2022

“In the exercise of His will He brought us forth by the word of truth, so that we would be a kind of first fruits among His creatures” (James 1:18).

Look to the first fruits.  We often think of creation as a once and done thing.  But even scientists see that creation is constantly shifting and that it will be something else in what they call the end.  Here, we hear that God has called us to be first fruits in the new creation; for there will be a new heaven and a new earth.  Come then and live into the word of truth as His will is exercised in you.

Lord God, You have revealed the words of truth and You have made them known to all who would hear the truth of Your Word.  Guide me, dear Lord, in the word of truth so that I may live into the life to which You have called me and for which Jesus died.  May I not stumble on the path You have put before me, nor led astray by the constant noise of this age but hold fast to Your revelation.

Dear Jesus, You went to the cross so that we might become the new creation.  You have told us that there will be a new heaven and a new earth.  Guide me, dear Lord, in the new life in order that I would walk the narrow path, which is You Who is the way, dear Jesus, and live according to the word You have revealed.  Hold me close to You so that I may seek first Your righteousness, knowing that all else that is needed will be provided.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, May 29, 2022

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow” (James 1:17).

God is good.  Everything that comes from Him is good.  In Him there is no variation of goodness.  What then of evil and the constant uncertainty.  This is the reality of sin.  We want choices and our choices bring death.  Let the Lord be the One who gives you what you need.  Let Him fulfill your good desires.  Be guided in His goodness and do not be distracted with the hoopla of this age.

Lord, You are good all the time and I am tempted by things that do not really matter.  Lead me, O Lord, so that in my heart I would seek You first and then gratefully receive what You give.  Guide me in Your goodness, Lord.  Let me see that only what You know I need should I take and help me to leave all the rest behind.  Lead me to learn how to do good, doing what is right in Your sight.

Lord Jesus, You taught us that only God is good.  But that does not mean I cannot do good.  Without my trying to think anything other than wanting to do what is right, teach me how to do good.  Lead me so that I may learn to do what is pleasing to the Father.  Teach me to reject the false choices in this world which lead to sin.  Teach me to walk humbly and faithfully in the path You have established.  Amen.

Lessons and Suggested Hymns, 2nd Sunday after Pentecost – 13 Pentecost,  Cycle C: June 19 – September 4, 2022

Lessons and Suggested Hymns,

2nd Sunday after Pentecost – 13 Pentecost,

 Cycle C: June 19 – September 4, 2022


NOTE: LBW – Lutheran Book of Worship (The Green Book)

WOV – With One Voice (The Blue Book)

ELW – Evangelical Lutheran Worship (The Cranberry Book)

LSB – Lutheran Service Book (The Maroon Book)


There are versions of some hymns that are superior in LSB and I recommend using them if possible. Also, there are some superb hymns in LSB that aren’t available in the other hymnals. When I suggest one of the latter, I try to include an alternative from LBW or WOV. I recommend that a license and DVD of downloadable hymns from LSB be purchased if you are looking to expand your hymnody. There are, in ELW, some familiar hymns that have been drastically altered, which I try to note. ELW also has some fine hymns not available in the other hymnals, or has, interestingly, a more “traditional” translation or harmonization.


Primary liturgical calendar taken from Sola Publishing (, based on LSB. Also, I include the lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) found in ELW and used in some congregations. It often overlaps the Sola/LCMS calendar lectionary, but when there are differences, I will note them.


Because some of the prayers of confession, as well as offertory and post-communion prayers, provided on certain resource pages lack theological heft or linguistic elegance, I have added some seasonal prayers that you are free to cut, paste, and revise as needed. They are modified from the copyright-free Online Book of Common Prayer, or are my own creation. These are found on the following pages. The regular prayers of intercession will, as usual, be provided weekly in their own Word documents.




For General/Green Season Use: A Brief Order of Confession and Holy Absolution


In the Name of the Father, and of the Son+, and of the Holy Spirit: Amen.


Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Let us confess our sins against God and our neighbor.

Silence may be kept.


Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your Name. Amen.

Almighty God have mercy on you, forgive you all your sins through our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen you in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep you in eternal life. Amen.


For General/Green Season Use: The Gospel Acclamation (Spoken)

Alleluia. Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life; you have the words of eternal life. Alleluia.




Alleluia. Your Word, O Lord, is truth; consecrate us in the truth. Alleluia.



For General/Green Season Use: The Offertory Prayer


Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, so draw our hearts to you, so guide our minds, so fill our imaginations, so control our wills, that we may be wholly yours, utterly dedicated unto

you; and then use us, we pray you, as you will, and always to your glory and the welfare of your people; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.




Let us pray. Heavenly Father, we humbly offer to you the gifts of our treasures, talents, and time. Use them to you glory, and for the benefit of all your people; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.




For General/Green Season Use: The Great Thanksgiving and Proper Preface


The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give him thanks and praise.


It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give thanks to you, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. For you are the source of light and life, you made us in your image, and called us to new life in Jesus Christ our Lord; who on the first day of the week overcame death and the grave, and by his glorious resurrection opened to us the way of everlasting life. Therefore we praise you, joining our voices with Angels and Archangels and with all the company of heaven, who forever sing this hymn to proclaim the glory of your Name:


For General/Green Season Use: The Eucharistic Prayer


Holy and gracious Father: In your infinite love you made us for yourself, and, when we had fallen into sin and become subject to evil and death, you, in your mercy, sent Jesus Christ, your only and eternal Son, to share our human nature, to live and die as one of us, to reconcile us to you, the God and Father of all. He stretched out his arms upon the cross, and offered himself, in obedience to your will, a perfect sacrifice for the whole world.

On the night he was handed over to suffering and death, our Lord Jesus Christ took bread; and when he had given thanks to you, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, “Take, eat: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.” After supper he took the cup of wine; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and said, “Drink this, all of you: This is my Blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.”

Therefore we proclaim the mystery of faith:


Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

We celebrate the memorial of our redemption, O Father, with praise and thanksgiving. Recalling our Savior’s death, resurrection, and ascension, we pray that you would sanctify these gifts by your Holy Spirit, to be for your people the Body and Blood of your Son, the holy food and drink of new and unending life in him. Sanctify us also that we may faithfully receive this holy Sacrament, and serve you in unity, constancy, and peace; and at the last day bring us with all your saints into the joy of your eternal kingdom.

All this we ask through your Son Jesus Christ: By him, and with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit all honor and glory is yours, Almighty Father, now and forever. AMEN.



And so, Father, we bring you these gifts. Sanctify them by your Holy Spirit to be for your people the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.

On the night he was betrayed he took bread, said the blessing, broke the bread, and gave it to his friends, and said, “Take, eat: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.”

After supper, he took the cup of wine, gave thanks, and said, “Drink this, all of you: This is my Blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.”

Father, we now celebrate the memorial of your Son. By means of this holy bread and cup, we proclaim his death and resurrection, until he comes again. Gather us by this Holy Communion into one body in your Son Jesus Christ. Make us a living sacrifice of praise. By him, and with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit all honor and glory is yours, Almighty Father, now and forever. AMEN.



For General/Green Season Use: Post-Communion Prayer

Eternal God, heavenly Father, you have graciously accepted us as living members

of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, and you have fed us with spiritual food in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood. Send us now into the world in peace, and grant us strength and courage to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart; through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Almighty and ever-living God, we thank you for feeding us with the most precious Body and Blood of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; and for assuring us that we are living members of the Body of your Son, and heirs of your eternal kingdom. Send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.




June 19, 2022: 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 7; Fathers’ Day


Isaiah 65:1-9 (I was eager to be found by a nation that did not seek me; sinful deeds will be requited, but God will preserve a blessing for all whom he gathers)

 Psalm 3 (A prayer of confidence in God in times of danger)

         ELW/RCL: Psalm 22: 19-28 (Deliver me, and I will praise you in great congregation)

 Galatians 3:23-4:7 (Law was a disciplinarian; now we are children who’ve come fully into inheritance of Christ by his grace; no longer Jew/Gentile, etc.)

            ELW/RCL: Galatians 3:23-29 (Eliminates law as guardian, crying out Abba, Father)

Luke 8:26-39 (Jesus heals the Gadarene demoniac and sends the demons into the herd of pigs)



Opening Hymn:  Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling: LBW #523, ELW #582, LSB #650

Hymn of the Day: O Jesus, King Most Wonderful: (LBW #537, LSB #554

          OR I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me: WOV #673, ELW #860

          OR “Away From Us!” the Demon Cried: LSB #541 (This is a great hymn! Written by former Gettysburg seminary president; African American spiritual tune – try it!)

 Communion Hymn #1: In Christ, There is No East or West: LBW #359, ELW #650, LSB #653

 Communion Hymn #2: One Bread, One Body: WOV #710, ELW #496

 Closing Hymn: Our Father, By Whose Name: LBW #357, ELW #640, LSB #863



June 26: 3rd Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 8)


1 Kings 19:9b-21 (Elijah encounters God in the still small voice; 7000 have not bent knee to Baal; anoints Elisha)

            ELW/RCL: 1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21 (Eliminates initial encounter with God, and also how those anointed will slay God’s enemies)

Psalm 16 (I bless the Lord who has not let his Holy One see the Pit)

Galatians 5:1, 13-25 (Contrast between works of flesh and of Spirit)

Luke 9:51-62 (no, don’t call down fire upon Samaritan town! And the one who looks back from the plow isn’t fit for the Kingdom)


Opening Hymn:   Let the Whole Creation Cry: LBW #242, ELW #876

Hymn of the Day: “Come, Follow Me,” the Savior Spake: LBW #455, ELW #799, LSB #688

       OR Speak, O Lord, Your Servant Listens: LSB #589 (Straightforward tune, great words, especially if you tie in the OT and Epistle. Words and tune are in public domain if you don’t have LSB. Tune is Werde Munter.)

Communion Hymn #1: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light: WOV #649, LSB #411

Communion Hymn #2: O Savior, Precious Savior: LBW #503, ELW #820, LSB #527

Closing Hymn: You Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim: LBW #252, ELW #825

          OR Lead Me, Guide Me: ELW #768, LSB #721




July 3: 4th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 9; closest Sunday to Independence Day)


Isaiah 66:10-14 (All who love Jerusalem, rejoice; as mother comforts children, so God will comfort you)

Psalm 66:1-9 (Sing praise to God for his awesome deeds!)

Galatians 6:1-10, 14-18 (Correct sinners in spirit of gentleness; sow to the Spirit, not the flesh; reap harvest of salvation in Christ)

            ELW/RCL: Galatians 6:[1-6], 7-16 (Optional correction, burden bearing; eliminates Paul’s final words)

Luke 10:1-20 (The mission of the seventy)


Opening Hymn:   Before You, Lord, We Bow: LBW #401, ELW #893

Hymn of the Day: LBW #384, Your Kingdom Come, O Father (very singable; Finnish folk tune)

          OR Spread, Oh Spread, Almighty Word: LBW #379, ELW #663

Spread the Reign of God the Lord: LSB #830

Communion Hymn #1: I Love to Tell the Story: LBW #390, ELW #661

Communion Hymn #2: Sent Forth By God’s Blessing: LBW #221, ELW #547, LSB #643

Closing Hymn: God of Our Fathers:  LBW #567

          OR Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: LBW #332, ELW #890

          OR This is My Song: ELW #887 (Tune is Finlandia. Words are heartfelt and timely)


July 10: 5th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 10)


Leviticus 18:17-19; 19:9-18 (you shall not be sexually impure, nor lie, cheat, or show partiality; you SHALL reprove your neighbor; love your neighbor as yourself, I am the Lord your God)

            ELW/RCL: Deuteronomy 30:9-14 (God will prosper those who obey his commands. His word is very near you)

Psalm 41 (Love the poor; Lord, defend me from my enemies)

            ELW/RCL: Psalm 25:1-10 (Lead me in truth, remember me in mercy)

Colossians 1:1-14 (You are bearing the Gospel’s fruit; lead lives worthy of Christ; clothed in his power, you shall endure, be joyful & give thanks)

Luke 10:25-37 (Who’s this neighbor I’m supposed to love? Parable of Good Samaritan)



Opening Hymn:   Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace: LBW #419, ELW #716, LSB #844

Hymn of the Day: May We Your/Thy Precepts, Lord, Fulfill: LBW #353, LSB #698

          OR O Praise the Gracious Power: ELW #651 (Tom Troeger words. Don’t know the tune, looks easy)

Communion Hymn #1: Bind Us Together, Lord: WOV #748

          OR Where Charity and Love Prevail: LBW #126, ELW #359, LSB #845

Communion Hymn #2:  Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us With Your Love: WOV #765, ELW #708

Closing Hymn: Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us:  LBW #424, ELW #707, LSB #851

          OR Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service: LBW #423, ELW #712, LSB #848


July 17: 6th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 11)

Genesis 18:1-14 (Abraham and Sarah entertain 3 divine visitors; they’re promised a son)

            ELW/RCL: Genesis 18:1-10 (Eliminates Sarah laughing)

Psalm 27: (1-6), 7-14 (The Lord is my light and salvation; whom shall I fear?  I’ll seek his face.)   

            ELW/RCL: Psalm 15 (Those who are blameless dwell with God)

Colossians 1:21-29 (The mysteries of God now revealed, including to the Gentiles; for His sake, Paul suffers, teaches, prays, warns, works to present Colossians as mature believers)

            ELW/RCL: Colossians 1:15-28 (Adds description of Christ, “firstborn of creation”)

Luke 10:38-42 (Mary and Martha entertain 1 divine visitor!)




Opening Hymn:   Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now: LBW #253, ELW #527, LSB #902

Hymn of the Day: Come, Risen Lord, and Deign to be Our Guest: LBW #209

           OR One Thing’s Needful; Lord, This Treasure: LSB #536 (Tune’s a bit complex but very singable. Suggest v. 1, 2, 5, as it’s lengthy; v.2 specifically for Gospel reading)

            OR O Living Bread from Heaven: LBW #197, ELW #542, LSB #642

Communion Hymn #1: God Himself is Present: LBW #249, LSB #907

Communion Hymn #2: O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts: LBW #356, ELW #658

Closing Hymn: Lord, Dismiss Us With Your Blessing: LBW #259, ELW #545, LSB #924




July 24: 7th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 12)

OR St. James the Elder, Apostle (transferred)


Pentecost 7 lessons and hymns:


Genesis 18:17-33 (Abraham pleads with God: don’t destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if ten righteous people are found)

            ELW/RCL: Genesis 18:20-32 (Eliminates God debating whether to tell Abraham what he is about to do, and a concluding verse)

Psalm 138 (God is holy; his love endures; he regards the lowly, sends the haughty far away)

Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) (Live rooted in Christ; in Baptism, you are dead to trespasses, alive to Him. Don’t get fussed about non-essentials; cling to Christ, the Head!)

Luke 11:1-13 (Lord, teach us to pray; Lord’s Prayer; ask-seek-knock)



Opening Hymn:   Holy Majesty, Before You: LBW #247

          OR Our Father, God in/Who From Heaven Above, v. 1-3: ELW #747, LSB #766

Hymn of the Day: O Thou, Who Hast of Thy Pure Grace: LBW #442 (Same tune as for these other hymns; yet another, abbreviated paraphrase of Lord’s Prayer)

          OR Our Father, God in/Who From Heaven Above, v. 4-6: ELW # 747, LSB #766

          OR Our Father, God in Heaven Above: ELW #746 (this is a 4-verse version of the longer hymn, using the same tune. Use this if you want to use other hymns opening and closing service).

Communion Hymn #1: What a Friend We Have in Jesus: LBW #439, ELW #742, LSB #770

Communion Hymn #2: Lord, Teach Us How to Pray Aright: LBW #438, ELW #745

Closing Hymn: Your Kingdom Come! O Father, Hear Our Prayer:  LBW #376 (note: this is NOT the one selected for a few weeks back, which was #384, Your Kingdom Come, O Father.)

          OR Our Father, God in/Who From Heaven Above, v. 7-9: ELW #747, LSB #766



St. James the Elder lessons and hymns:


1 Kings 19:9-18: (Elijah meets God at Horeb)

Psalm 7:1-11: David’s prayer against his persecutors)

Acts 11:27-12:3a: (Severe famine in Judea; James’ death at hand of Herod)

Mark 10:35-45: (James and John want special favors; are they able to drink Jesus’ cup, be baptized with his baptism?)



Opening Hymn: Rise Up, O Saints of God!: LBW #383, ELW #669

Hymn of the Day: By All Your Saints in Warfare: LBW #178, v. 1, 16, 3; ELW #421, v. 1, 17, “Last”; LSB #518, v. 1, 21, 3

Communion Hymn #1: Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus: LBW #389, LSB #660

          OR Lord, Be Glorified: ELW #744

Communion Hymn #2: What a Friend We Have in Jesus: LBW #439, ELW #742, LSB #770

Closing Hymn: O Jesus, I Have Promised: LBW #503, ELW #810



July 31: 8th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 13)


Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-26 (Vanity of vanities, all is vanity…)

            RCL/ELW: Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-23 (Eliminates what God gives to righteous, sinners; all is still vanity!)

Psalm 100 (…or not! Praise the Lord, enter his courts with thanksgiving, for he is good and his mercy endures forever.)

            ELW/RCL: Psalm 49:1-12 (I shall speak wisdom; none can ransom their life. Wealthy, poor, wise, fool all die)

Colossians 3:1-11(You have died; your life is hidden in Christ and will be revealed in his glory. Therefore put away all evil deeds; be clothed in Christ; all will be like him!)

Luke 12:13-21 (Parable of the rich fool)


Opening Hymn: All People That on Earth do Dwell: LBW #245, ELW #883, LSB #791

Hymn of the Day: We Give Thee But Thine Own: LBW #410, ELW #686, LSB #781

          OR Forgive Us, Lord, For Shallow Thankfulness: LSB #788 (These words are powerful. This one is getting a one-time license to duplicate. I’m serious. Do it!)

        OR Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God: WOV #783

Communion Hymn #1: Son of God, Eternal Savior: LBW #364, ELW #655, LSB #842

Communion Hymn #2: For the Fruit of All/His Creation: WOV #760, ELW #679, LSB #894

Closing Hymn: There is a Time: LSB #762 (jazzy rendition of Ecclesiastes!)

          OR Take My Life That I May Be /and Let it Be: LBW #406, ELW #583, 685, LSB #783


August 7: 9th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 14)


Genesis 15:1-6 (Abram’s faith is reckoned to him as righteousness)

Psalm 33:12-22 (Happy is nation whose God is the Lord; he is our strength and shield; he delivers soul from death; trust in him!)

Hebrews 11:1-16 (Faith is conviction of things not seen; patriarchs, especially Abraham, saw God’s promises afar off and welcomed them; God not ashamed to be their God.)

            ELW/RCL: Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 (Eliminates roll call of pre-Abraham faithful)

Luke 12:22-34 (35-40) (Part of Sermon on the Plain: consider lilies of the field; do not worry; where your treasure is, there is your heart also; be watchful for Son of Man’s coming)

            ELW/RCL: Luke 12:32-40 (Eliminates lilies, seek first the kingdom)


Opening Hymn:  Father Most Holy, Merciful and Tender: LBW #169, ELW #415, LSB #504

Hymn of the Day: Evening and Morning: LBW #465, ELW #761, LSB #726

          OR Jesus, Priceless Treasure: LBW #457/458, ELW #775, LSB #743

Communion Hymn #1: Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God (if you didn’t sing this last week!):

WOV #783, LSB #712

Communion Hymn #2: Have No Fear, Little Flock: LBW #476, ELW #764, LSB #735

Closing Hymn: O God, Our Help in Ages Past: LBW #320, ELW #632, LSB #733


August 14: 10th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 15)

OR Mary, Mother of Our Lord (transferred)


Pentecost 10 lessons and hymns:


Jeremiah 23:16-29 (Beware of false prophets who prophesy peace and plenty; God will act against wicked; his word is like fire and hammer)

            ELW/RCL: Jeremiah 23:23-29 (Eliminates warning against false prophets)

Psalm 119:81-88 (My soul longs for your salvation; I am persecuted but shall remain faithful)

            ELW/RCL: Psalm 82 (God calls for justice; psalmist prays God should enact justice)

Hebrews 11:17-31 (32-40); 12:1-3 (Old Testament roll call of faith; we are surrounded by great cloud of witnesses; run faith’s race; looking to Christ the pioneer and perfector of our faith)

            ELW/RCL: Hebrews 11:29-12:2 (Eliminates many Old Testament stories of faithfulness)

Luke 12:49-56 (Jesus will cast fire on earth, completing his baptism; interpret signs of times!)


Opening Hymn:  God’s Word is Our Great Heritage: LBW #239, ELW #509, LSB #582

Hymn of the Day: LSB #667, Saints, See the Cloud of Witnesses (same tune as Rise, Shine, You People)

          OR O God of Light, Your Word, a Lamp Unfailing (Not a hard tune, but easily sung to “Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning,” LBW #84): LBW #237, ELW #507, LSB #836

          OR Rise, O Children of Salvation: LBW #182

Communion Hymn #1: Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word: LBW #230, ELW #517, LSB #655

Communion Hymn #2: He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought: LBW #501

          OR Let Justice Flow Like Streams: ELW #717

Closing Hymn: The Clouds of Judgment Gather (Can be sung to tune for “Lead On, O Kinky Turtle,” LBW

#495): LBW #322, LSB #513

           OR My Lord, What a Morning: WOV #627, ELW #438



Mary, Mother of Our Lord Lessons and Hymns:


Isaiah 61:7-11: (I shall greatly rejoice in God, who has clothed me in garments of salvation and robes of righteousness)

Psalm 45:11-16: (The beauty of the princess brought into presence of the King)

Galatians 4:4-7: (The Son of God, born of woman, came so we may call God Abba)

Luke 1:46-55: (The Magnificat)




Opening Hymn:   LBW #549, Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (LSB #793)

Hymn of the Day: LBW #180, My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord (LSB #934)

Communion Hymn #1: LBW #559, Oh, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (LSB #528)

Communion Hymn #2: LBW #524, My God, How Wonderful Thou Art

Closing Hymn: LBW #175, Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones (LSB #670)


August 21, 2013: 11th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 16)


Isaiah 66:18-23 (All nations shall worship the Lord and be his priests)

            ELW/RCL: Isaiah 58:9-14 (Do justice, and God will bless you)

Psalm 50:1-15 (Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, the Lord shines forth; he desires the sacrifice of thanksgiving, not of beasts)

            ELW/RCL: Psalm 103:1-8 (Bless the Lord, O my soul, for God’s mercy and justice)

Hebrews 12: 4-29 (Your suffering is how God disciplines beloved children. Pursue peace and holiness. You’ve come to Christ, whose blood speaks better word than Abel; don’t refuse him!)

            ELW/RCL: Hebrews 12:18-29 (Eliminates exhortation to faithfulness, holy living, God’s discipline of those he loves)

Luke 13:22-30 (Jesus says: strive to enter by the narrow gate, or you will see Abraham and the prophets enter the Kingdom, but you will be locked outside)

            ELW/RCL: Luke 13:10-17 (Jesus heals the woman bent over)




Opening Hymn:  Glories of Your Name/Of You are Spoken:  LBW #358, ELW #647, LSB #648 (DANGER!! ELW changed the tune to a fairly obscure though singable Welsh tune. It’s probably because some nitwit said the usual tune, “Austria,” is the same as the German Nazi anthem, “Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles.” However, “Austria” is used in ELW for hymn #823, so…. Just be alert.)

          OR Rise, O Sun of Righteousness: ELW #657

Hymn of the Day: A Multitude Comes From the East and the West: LBW #313, LSB #510

          OR I’m So Glad He Lifted Me (If using ELW/RCL Gospel): WOV #673, ELW #860

Communion Hymn #1: You Are the Way: LBW #464, ELW #758, LSB #526

Communion Hymn #2: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms: WOV #780, ELW #774

Closing Hymn: LBW #533, Rejoice, O Pilgrim Throng (LSB #813)

          OR What Wondrous Love is This: LBW #385, ELW #666, LSB #543


August 28: 12th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 17)


Proverbs 25:2-10 (Words about kings; Comporting oneself in the King’s presence; keeping confidences)

            ELW/RCL: Proverbs 25:6-7 (Only about comporting self in king’s presence)

Psalm 131 (I do not occupy myself with things too great and marvelous)

            ELW/RCL: Psalm 112 (The righteous and just are blessed by God)

Hebrews 13:1-17 (Words of advice about many things)

            ELW/RCL: Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 (Eliminates “Don’t be led away by strange teachings,” Jesus’ death “outside the camp”)

Luke 14:1-14 (Healing on Sabbath; taking the lowest seat at the banquet table)

            ELW/RCL: Luke 14: 1, 7-14 (Eliminates healing on Sabbath)



Opening Hymn:   Day by Day: WOV #746, ELW #790

          OR When Morning Gilds the Skies: LBW #546, ELW #853, LSB #807

Hymn of the Day: You Satisfy the Hungry Heart: WOV #711, ELW #484, LSB #641

          OR Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service: LBW #423, ELW #712, LSB #848

Communion Hymn #1: Come, Let Us Eat: LBW #214, ELW #491, LSB #626

Communion Hymn #2: Bind Us Together: WOV #748

Closing Hymn: Savior, Again to Your Dear Name: LBW #262, ELW #534, LSB #917


September 4: 13th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 18; Labor Day weekend)


Deuteronomy 30:15-20 (Before you God sets life and death, blessing and curse; choose life!)

Psalm 1 (Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly; his delight is in the law of the Lord)

Philemon, whole thing (Paul’s artful persuasion on behalf of a runaway slave)

Luke 14:25-35 (Consider the cost of discipleship first!)

            ELW/RCL: Luke 14:25-33 (Eliminates words about unsalty salt)



Opening Hymn:   The Man is Ever Blessed (Simple tune; paraphrase of Ps. 1): LSB #705

          OR O, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways: LBW #480, ELW #772, LSB #707

Hymn of the Day: How Clear is Our Vocation, Lord: LSB #853

          OR Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us: LBW #424, ELW #707, LSB #851

Communion Hymn #1: O God, My Faithful God: LBW #504, ELW #806, LSB #696

Communion Hymn #2: O Master, Let Me Walk With You: LBW #492, ELW #818

Closing Hymn: Lord of All Hopefulness, Lord of All Joy: LBW #469, ELW #765, LSB #738


Seeking Director of Youth & Family Ministry in Wilmington, NC

St. Matthew’s in Wilmington, NC, is searching for a new full-time Director of Youth & Family Ministry; they want to fill the position by August 2022. Click on the button below for details.

Devotion for Saturday, May 28, 2022

“Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren” (James 1:16).

Such a simple and powerful sentence that tells you more than you probably thought you needed to know.  The devil is the one who deceives.  You are under constant attack.  You have been and will be deceived by people around you who are tempted to use you.  So, beware!  Beware of the deception that is out there.  Fake news has always been present and only the Word of the Lord is faithful and true.  Stay with the truth.

Lord, open my eyes to the many deceptions that are all around me.  Guide me Lord in order that I would now and always hold fast to the truth of Your Word.  Lead me in Your goodness to see things as they are, now and always, and to hold fast to the truth.  Grant me eyes to see and ears to hear, both what is true and the lies that are spewed out all day long around me.  Guide me into the way of truth.

Lord Jesus, Your Word is truth.  You have spoken the Words of truth and in You alone is all goodness and mercy.  Help me, Lord, to see through the fog of this age and know that in You is all hope and a future.  Let me not react unthinkingly to the ways of this world, or its lies.  Lead me so that I may be one who follows You all the days of my life.  Looking to You, Truth of eternity, help me to see the deceptions and keep my eyes upon You.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, May 27, 2022

“But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust.  Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death” (James 1:14-15).

To be tempted is not a sin.  It’s not the first look that is sin, it is what you do with the second look.  When you encounter another who looks different, what you first see is different.  But then, do you see a child of God?  That, or as the world does, see them through the eyes of sin?  We are called to learn a new way of living, and this includes how we look at people and things.  Literally, how we look at them.

Lord, I am guilty of not paying attention to what I am thinking or doing.  I know You died for my sins but help me so that I stop sinning unaware by keeping Your commandments before the eyes of my heart.  Guide me into being intentional about my thoughts, words, and deeds.  Lead me into the life You are giving me so that I would hold forever fast to the truth You have revealed.

Lord Jesus, You know all the struggles in this world.  You know how hard it is to set aside the desire of the flesh and abide in the truth for my soul.  You have been one of us.  Lead me Lord in the upward life You give in order that I would learn self-control and be guided by Your goodness and mercy.  Help me now and always Lord to see that in You is all hope and an eternal future.  Help me to curb my bad habits and practice good ones.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, May 26, 2022

“Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone” (James 1:13).

Evil cannot use good for evil, but good can use evil for good.  Why?  Because evil is a perversion of good.  God creates.  Evil cannot create, but only pervert what is good.  God calls us to righteousness.  God created us good and Adam chose to listen to the serpent and pervert the good given him for his own use.  God does not tempt, but we are tempted.  God is never tempted, for He alone is good.

Why then am I tempted, Lord?  You ask, but you do not receive because you ask with wrong motive.  But you said to ask you to not lead us into temptation.  What will it take for me to gain your attention?  Must the Lord get out of the way so you too can be a prodigal child?  The Lord loves you enough to accept you as a lost child you but coming to Him must always be an act from the freedom of your will.

Jesus, You taught us to pray so that we would not be led into temptation.  Here, Your Word says God is not tempted.  Help me to meditate upon these things so that I would learn wisdom and understand the truth.  Guide me according to Your goodness to see that in You is all hope and that You, my Lord and God, are alone good all the time.  Help me to see this clearly and live in the freedom You give to love as I have been loved.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, May 25, 2022

“Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (James 1:12).

And we know perseverance produces endurance, and endurance character, so that we continue in the race set before us.  We run as to win.  These struggles are a part of what the Lord intends in order that you may overcome and live into the life to which you have been called in grace.  Come then and live this life which is yours in Christ.  Do not waver or backslide.  The Lord has given you many promises and you need to live into them.

Lord, as each day comes, guide my thinking more and more by Your word that I may think about what You are doing through the promises You have given us.  As each day comes, move my feet forward so that I may do what You have given me to do.  Through all things, lead me according to Your goodness that I may now and always humbly abide with You as You abide with me.

Holy Spirit, You have been guiding and I have been unaware.  Lord Jesus, You have already done what is needed and I act as if nothing has been done.  Lord, guide me further into the mystery of faith so that regardless of how I feel, I would live the life You give me in the faith and grace which are mine through You.  Through all things, may I persevere in order that the Father may be pleased and I may know that I am approved by Him through You.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, May 24, 2022

“For the sun rises with a scorching wind and withers the grass; and its flower falls off and the beauty of its appearance is destroyed; so too the rich man in the midst of his pursuits will fade away” (James 1:11).

How much will Bill Gates leave behind?  The world’s answer, “Billions.”  God’s answer, “All of it.”  We are stewards who have things for a while and then it passes to another.  Why then do we act like owners of these things?  We have been placed where we are for God’s purpose.  The meaning of your life has more to do with others than just you.  Give thanks to God for all His blessings and pass them on to others.

Lord, clear my eyes to not see men as trees, but to see clearly as You have made things to be.  Guide me in the goodness of Your grace and mercy in order that I would understand that this world is temporary and the world to come is forever.  In Your goodness, keep me wholly in Your grace and the provision You have given me.  Lead me to know that in You is all hope and an eternal future.

Jesus, You are the author and finisher of my faith.  That includes me being placed right where I am.  Guide me, Lord, to see that in You is all hope and my future.  Lead me according to Your goodness so that I would always look to You, my Lord and Savior, and see that have already put all things necessary into place.  May I follow Your lead today and every day into the eternal life for which I was created.  Amen.