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“Confident of your obedience, I write to you, knowing that you will do even more than I say” (Philemon 1:21).

If you were in the position of Philemon, would someone like Paul be able to say that they were confident in your decision?  Do you trust the Lord enough to put into place the principles He teaches you?  These are important questions, for they speak of what the Lord is doing in you through the salvation he gives.  Be confident and give confidence, for the Lord’s will is being done in you.

Lord, guide my life such that I do the things You would have me do.  Lead me in the right way of living life so that I put into practice the things You are teaching me.  Help me to not just be a hearer of Your Word, but one who does what You say.  Grant me confidence so that I may give others the confidence through faith You would have me give them.  Help me to be one who does more than just what I say.

Lord Jesus, You said that if we had faith a small as a mustard seed, we could do great things.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way of this faith You have given me so that I would do what You ask.  Guide me through my doubts and frustrations in order that I would continue to grow in faith such that I become like You.  Through all things, guide me, Lord Jesus, in the narrow way that You have established.  Amen.

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