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“I appeal to you for my child, Onesimus, whose father I became in my imprisonment” (Philemon 1:10).

See what is happening.  You who know the story, know that Onesimus is the slave of Philemon.  It is a strange thing to us.  See the story behind this.  Paul is a father in the faith to them both.  They are no longer just master and slave, but now brothers under the same father.  It is not so complex.  The real question for us is how are we to behave?  By the rules of the world or by the rules of faith?

Lord, I do find that I often operate by the rules of the world.  Help me learn to be obedient in this world, but that when there is a conflict, enable me to choose the way You have established, the way of forever.  Guide me, Lord, in the upward path to which You have called me so that even when it costs me, I choose the direction You know I need to go in order to live the godly grace-filled life to which You have called me.

Lord Jesus, I need the grace You give to accomplish these things.  Guide me, Lord, now and always, so that when confronted with two or more choices, I would choose the way that is right in Your eyes.  Lead me according to Your goodness and mercy and help me now and always to see through what the world says that I may choose the better way.  Guide me always, Lord, in the upward way.  Amen.

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