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“For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you” (Philemon 1:7).

A leader in the church always rejoices when they encounter another who displays maturity and wisdom.  It is refreshing to encounter one who does things the way the Lord wants them done.  Be one who refreshes the hearts of others.  Be guided by the Holy Spirit and do what the Lord gives you to do.  Be one who is willing to comfort others with the comfort you have received from our Lord.

You know where I can become better at these things, Lord.  Show me where these places are and then guide me in the way that will take me to these places such that all these things become a part of who I am.  Teach me, Lord, how to be wise and then help me to be a willing servant of all.  Continue to guide me in the upper way that, like the saints of old, I may demonstrate my faith through what I say and how I act.

Lord Jesus, if one looks at You, the distance between the two extremes at the boundaries of who You are, are striking.  On the one hand, you are so ordinary and approachable.  On the other, You are God in the flesh.  I will never be You, of course, for which I thank you Lord; but stretch me so that I become more like You, the servant of God, each day.  Guide me and help me to be willing to move into this direction that You are leading me.  Amen. 

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