Devotion for Sunday, May 01, 2022
“Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon our beloved fellow worker and Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier, and the church in your house” (Philemon 1:1-2)
Are you a prisoner for Jesus? Yes, Paul was literally in prison, but nothing really changed. He had been a slave to Christ since his conversion in Damascus. The truth of the faith is that it is truly is all or nothing. Too many try to ride the fence and hedge bets. In matters of eternity and love, this does not work. The church is the gathering of Gods people who seek to be faithful servants.
Lord, help me to no longer struggle against You being in charge. You are the Lord and must be my Lord. What do I know? I have only existed these few short years and You are forever. Help me to have the right perspective on things and live out my faith as You know I need to live. Guide me by Your Spirit to do these things, Lord. I am a part of Your family, grafted in by baptism through faith. Guide me in the upward way of this faith.
Holy Spirit, You are with us that we might begin the journey of learning how to live with You forever. We are each our own person, yet for my sanctification to be worked out, You must be the One who leads. Lead me, Lord, in the way of salvation and help me to be a slave to the truth of Your Word so that I may not argue, nor contradict what You say, but live fully in You as You live in me. Amen.