The Prayers of the Church May 1, 2022: 3rd Sunday of Easter  

The Prayers of the Church

May 1, 2022: 3rd Sunday of Easter


Acts 9:1-22 (Conversion of Saul)


Psalm 30 (praise God for deliverance from enemies)


Revelation 5:1-14 (is no one worthy to open the scroll? the heavenly host praise the Lamb who was slain, who alone is worthy to open the scroll of judgment)

RCL: Revelation 5:11-14 (eliminates weeping because no one found worthy)


John 21:1-19 (the disciples and the risen Jesus, a miraculous catch of fish, and “Feed my lambs”)




Let us pray to our risen Savior on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Lord Jesus, you alone are worthy of worship. You alone are worthy to speak words of divine judgment and forgiveness. Give us grace to kneel in adoration and to rise up in obedient service to you.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

You commanded your servant Peter to tend your sheep. Equip your Church with every good gift, so it feeds your flock with your holy Word and life-giving Sacraments.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Your Church is persecuted today, even as it was in the days of the Apostles. Deliver it from its enemies. Grant it steadfast faith and hearts free from bitterness. By its faithful endurance, soften the hearts of its persecutors, so that they may turn to you and live.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless this congregation. Kindle our hearts to seek the lost, lift up the broken-hearted, and feed hungry souls around us with your holy and precious Word.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

You confronted Saul on the Damascus road. In your merciful, tough love, confront those who scorn your Word and refuse your truth. Give us holy reason and gentle hearts, so that through us, you lead many unbelievers into your flock.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

You are Lord, King, Judge, and Savior of the world. Bless and strengthen all who take counsel for the nations. Guide them in pathways of justice and righteousness. Use their labors to feed all people with justice as well as loaves; to drink of peace as well as clean water; to live in friendship with their neighbor, and to walk humbly before you, their Lord and God.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Defend and guide all who stand between life and death; between violence and safety; and between oppression and freedom. Lend them your wisdom and righteousness. Raise them up when they falter. Heal their wounds, and grant them joyous reunions with loved ones.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Oh great and good Shepherd, gently tend all who are sick, lonely, grieving, despairing, and all who cry out for mercy. Especially we remember before you: {List}. Give the Spirit of your compassion to all who care for them, and restore them to wholeness and hope.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Lord Jesus, you are worthy to open the scroll and to judge the world. Yet you freely grant forgiveness and salvation to every sinner who dies trusting in your promises. Thank you for keeping those promises to the faithful departed, especially those dear to us. Give us faith to trust your Word in times of doubt and confusion. Give us compassion to care for all your dear lambs.  Give us grace to receive a foretaste of the banquet-feast of heaven. Give us joy, which is the undying inheritance of all whom you love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Grant to us all that is in accordance with your will, dear Jesus, and accomplish your salvation among us; for you are risen from the dead and dwell in majesty with your Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.