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“To Titus, my true child in a common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior” (Titus 1:4).

We hold these things together in Christ.  We have not made these things up; but have been called into the one faith through one baptism into the One Lord who is in all and through all.  Do not be led astray by the constant noise of this world, but hear the Holy Spirit call you into the truth for all ages.  Be a true child of God, holding faith in common with the communion of saints and hope in Christ Jesus.

This world is filled with so many options.  That is how it seems, but really there are only two options for the obedience of faith.  Either trust in the Lord, or else continue in the rebellion and hope in anything else.  From the dust we have been formed and we are destined to return to dust.  Our hope is in the Lord who promised that because He lives, we too shall live.  Come then into the peace which only He can give.

Lord Jesus, You came so that we might have the abundant life which, in You, never ends.  Though we die, yet we shall live.  These are the promises You give through Your death on the cross and the following resurrection from the tomb.  Guide me, Lord Jesus, in this eternal hope which You give that I might live my life in the way You have established.  Let me not follow the many paths that lead away from the Father, but stay on the true path through You to Him.  Amen.

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