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“Beware of him yourself, for he strongly opposed our message.  At my first defense no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. May it not be charged against them!” (2 Timothy 4:15-16)

Holding to the truth is not as easy as saying that you will do it.  There are times when we are tried.  Hold fast and even if you have chosen what is wrong, repent and come into the truth.  Do not be opposed to what the Lord has shown you to be true.  In season and out of season, be willing to live in the truth.  Christ has come so that all who believe would not perish but have everlasting life.

Lord, You have spoken Your word and it is in me.  You have revealed all truth and my biggest problem has been where I resist the truth.  Lead me, Lord, to live the truth You have revealed and to hold fast to what is true.  Show me where I am wandering and lead me according to Your goodness and mercy to do what is right always.  Lead me in the way of truth forevermore.

Dear Jesus, You went to the cross abandoned by almost all of your followers, who went their own way in fear.  Lead me, O Lord, according to Your goodness in order that I would forever hold fast to the truth of all that You have done, shared, and called us to be.  Guide me according to Your goodness so that I would learn to hold fast to what is good, right and salutary.  Let me not wander or go astray but hold fast to the truth.  Amen.

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