Lutheran CORE continues to provide monthly video reviews of books of interest and importance. Many thanks to Steve Shipman, NALC pastor and former director of Lutheran CORE, for his review of the book, A Harvest of Lutheran Dogmatics and Ethics: The Life and Work of Twelve Theologians 1960-2020 by Carl Braaten.
As Pastor Shipman points out, Carl Braaten personally knew or knows all of the people whose lifework is described in this book. His concern is that the contributions of this notable group may be forgotten rather than remembered and built upon.
Steve tells us, “The names are a Who’s Who of Lutheranism in my lifetime. If you want to understand the Lutheran theological giants of the generation immediately preceding or including most of us, this book is an excellent place to begin. I would wish that it would be required reading for anyone preparing for parish ministry.”
Carl Braaten shared, “During the pandemic lockdown in our community, I could think of nothing better to do than write a book.” Steve Shipman commented, “We can hope that there are many more books to come from his keyboard and that God will continue to bless him with health, strength, and wisdom.”
This review, as well as seventeen others, have been posted on our YouTube channel. A link to the channel can be found here.
If you would like to watch Lutheran CORE’s playlist of all of our video book reviews, click here, then scroll down and start the video by selecting the play button or click on the three vertical lines near the top right of the first video to select a new video from the list that will pop up.