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“[H]aving the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people” (2 Timothy 3:5).

No matter the activity or society, there are those who seem to be pretending.  It is true amongst Christians as well.  Do not hang out with faithless people who are just going through the motions lest you be led astray.  Be guided by the goodness of the Lord and live into the life  of fellowship which You are given through faith.  Know that in the Lord there is more than enough to enliven you with everlasting life.

Lord, I do have my days which are up and down but let me never be so unengaged that I am lifeless.  Lead me, Lord, to have a faith that is alive and real.  Teach me to have a passionate faith and be compassionate.  Help me to live in the power You have given me.  You have given to each one of us all that we need to live lives of faith.  In what has already been given, awaken in me Your goodness.

Lord Jesus, the one thing even Your enemies knew was that You were passionate and had compassion.  You dealt with all others as they came along and did not exclude those whom the world would have excluded.  Lead me Lord by Your example to do the same.  Help me to become more like You each and every day.  Guide me in Your goodness to learn how to be good for others.  Amen.

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