THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH April 3, 2022: 5th Sunday in Lent


April 3, 2022: 5th Sunday in Lent

Isaiah 43:16-21(God announces his new work; the wilderness shall be a place of refreshment)


Psalm 126 (God restored fortunes of Zion; those who sowed with weeping shall harvest with joy)

 Philippians 3:4b-14 (All is rubbish, compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ my God)

 Luke 20:9-20 (Parable of the wicked tenants of the vineyard)

            ELW/RCL: John 12:1-8 (Mary, Lazarus’s sister, anoints Jesus with oil)




For the Church, the world, and our poor sinful selves, let us pray to our Lord, who is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

A brief silence

Lord Jesus, when we think on your love for us, we can only repeat the words of two beloved hymns: “Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a tribute far too small. Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all!” “Thousand thousand thanks are due, dearest Jesus, unto you!”

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Let your Church count everything as loss, compared to the surpassing worth of knowing you as Savior. Fill it with the longing to make you known to every sinner in the world, until you truly are the “all in all,” for all. Especially we pray for the persecuted Church, and for seminarians, pastors, and missionaries.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Strengthen this congregation in faithful worship, loving fellowship, generous outreach, and holy living. Make this place a place of refreshment and refuge for souls battered by sin, sorrow, and suffering.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those preparing for Baptism at Eastertide; for everyone seeking to renew their relationship with you; and for pastors and congregations experiencing transition or turmoil. Guide them along their pilgrim path; refresh them with the joy of your saving help; and bless them with your lovingkindness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Give peace, justice, health, and safety to every nation, especially our own. Grant wisdom and integrity to all who have been entrusted with authority and power, especially our elected and appointed leaders. Teach us to love one another through deeds of mercy and words of understanding.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

So many people hunger for healing and thirst for reconciliation. They long for encouragement and seek understanding.  They desire forgiveness, comfort, faith, and hope. Refresh them in the wilderness of their suffering, dear Lord – especially those we lift before you now {List}.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


In gratitude and hope, we entrust our beloved dead into your keeping, dear Lord. Bestow the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, upon all who mourn. Through the same Spirit, grant that we truly know you, O Christ, and the power of your resurrection. Give us grace to share in your suffering. Claim us as your own, and clothe us with your righteousness. In your mercy, welcome us and all whom you have redeemed into your Father’s everlasting Kingdom.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Hear us, dear Lord; and answer our prayers according to your will, to your glory and for the benefit of the people you long to save.


THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH March 27, 2022: 4th Sunday in Lent


March 27, 2022: 4th Sunday in Lent

Isaiah 12:1-6 (With joy you will draw from waters of salvation and praise the Lord)

     ELW/RCL: Joshua 5:9-12 (After circumcision, Israelites keep first Passover in Promised Land)

Psalm 32 (happy are they whose transgression is forgiven; accept his instruction and live)

2 Corinthians 5:16-21 (God has given us the ministry of reconciliation in Christ)

Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 (Parable of the Prodigal Son)




For the Church, the world, and our poor sinful selves, let us pray to our Lord, who is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

A brief silence

Dearest Father, thank you for forgiving, welcoming, and restoring us, even when we squander your gifts and turn away from you! Thank you for your Holy Spirit, who brings us “to our right minds” and helps us repent. Thank you for your Son, who guides us to your embrace. He gives his Body and Blood as your homecoming feast; he clothes us with his own righteousness; and he places the signet-ring of his Sonship upon our hand. We give you thanks, Father, not as we ought, but as we are able.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Make your Church faithful in proclaiming both your Law and Gospel. Make it lovely with holiness, gentle in rebuke, warmhearted in reconciliation, and generous in welcoming all whom you have led to repent.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Help this congregation to pray for, seek out, and forgive those who have wronged us. Give us patience, graciousness, and humility. Make this a place where those who are estranged from us, and from you, may return and be reconciled.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for families torn apart by sin, squabbling, and selfishness. Heal them, and return each person “to their right minds.” Deliver them from the pigsty of foolish pride and the far country of hostility. Take away whatever resentment and hurt stands in the way of healing and reunion.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Forgive those who, though entrusted with authority, power, and influence, have squandered these gifts, and used them foolishly. Give wisdom, integrity, and prudence to our elected and appointed leaders; to those in the military and first responders; and to those entrusted with educating our children or caring for the vulnerable. And teach us to live at peace with one another, despite our differences!

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bring healing and hope to all who suffers especially: {List}. Bring them back from the far country of pain, sorrow, or despair. Restore them to fellowship with all who love them, and increase their trust in you.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Father, you’ve welcomed so many prodigals into your Kingdom already, including many whom we have loved in this life! Thank you. Keep our eyes fixed on the road home to you. Deliver us from the pig-sty of stubborn pride. Soften our hearts to help fellow prodigals along the way. Lavish your Holy Spirit upon us, so we’re constantly trying to live in faith toward you and in fervent love for one another. And, at the last, welcome us to the homecoming feast you have prepared for us, Jesus’ wayward sisters and brothers. We yearn for your prodigal love to embrace us forever.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Hear us, dear Lord; and answer our prayers according to your will, to your glory and for the benefit of the people you long to save.



THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH March 20, 2022: 3rd Sunday in Lent


March 20, 2022: 3rd Sunday in Lent

Ezekiel 33:7-20 (you are a sentinel warning people to repent; if the evil repent, they live; if the righteous sin, they die; if you don’t warn, their blood is on you)

     ELW/RCL: Isaiah 55:1-9: (Listen to God, eat what is good; he makes everlasting covenant; seek him while he may be found; his Word returns fruitfully to him)

Psalm 85 (Restore us; show us your steadfast love; save us from our sin)

     ELW/RCL: Psalm 63:1-8 (My soul hungers, thirsts for you; you helped me; I sing for joy)

 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 (avoid sin; don’t test Christ; God provides escape when you are tested)

Luke 13:1-9 (tower didn’t fall because the people were worse sinners than you; but if you  do not repent, worse will happen to you. Parable of unfruitful fig tree)




For the Church, the world, and our poor sinful selves, let us pray to our Lord, who is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

A brief silence

Heavenly Father, thank you for your Son.  He diagnoses our sin, and provides our remedy. Thank you for your Holy Spirit. He opens an escape door when we are tempted, and helps us to repent when we don’t walk through. Help us in these struggles, and have mercy on us when we fall.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Make the Church your sentinel. Use its words and deeds to help sinners turn from evil and turn toward the Cross, upon which was hung their salvation. Keep your persecuted servants safe in their time of testing; and cause their tormentors to repent of their sin.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Help everyone in this congregation to be fruitful fig trees, abounding in righteousness, faithfulness, love, peace, and every good work.  May our lives constantly proclaim your glory and nourish your people.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for everyone who is tempted to engage in sinful acts out of fear, desperation, ignorance, or malice. Help us to speak truth in love with them. Help us to hear words of truthful warning when they are spoken to us! Help us to accompany those who resolve to walk in the path of righteousness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Lord, our earthly leaders – in government, industry, education, and elsewhere – often seem blind, deaf, and dumb. They refuse wise words, just deliberation, and righteous deeds. Lead them to repent of selfish, wrongheaded, and evil laws or decisions. Make them eagerly seek the good you set before us all.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We plead on behalf of everyone who suffers in body, mind, or spirit – especially: {List}. We pray for everyone who cares for hurting, lonely, grieving, and vulnerable people. Refresh them with your gracious Spirit, and give them the joy of your saving help.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Most holy Father, thank you for the lives of your faithful servants who now rest from their labors. Keep their memories bright and their witness strong. Keep us in fellowship with them by faith, and with one another by love. In the fullness of time, gather all who have been redeemed through the death and resurrection of your Son into the blessedness of your Kingdom, where with you and the Holy Spirit he reigns as Savior, Lord and God forever.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Hear us, dear Lord; and answer our prayers according to your will, to your glory and for the benefit of the people you long to save.



THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH March 13, 2022: 2nd Sunday in Lent


March 13, 2022: 2nd Sunday in Lent

Jeremiah 26:8-15 (Jeremiah prophesies against Zion, is marked for death; urges repentance)   

     ELW/RCL: Genesis 15:1-12, (13-16), 17-18 (God “cuts a covenant” with Abram)

Psalm 4 (The Lord sets apart his faithful; ponder, pray, offer sacrifice, be patient) 

     ELW/RCL: Psalm 27 (The Lord is my light and salvation; I desire to see the beauty of God)

 Philippians 3:17-4:1 (follow example of those who are in Christ; our citizenship is in heaven; stand firm in Christ who transforms us from humiliation to his glory)

Luke 13:31-35 (Jesus, must die in Jerusalem; longs to gather its people beneath his wings)




For the Church, the world, and our poor sinful selves, let us pray to our Lord, who is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

A brief silence

Lord Jesus, thank you for gathering your people beneath your wings. Your mercy covers our sins – and gives us courage to repent. Let us always remember your sacrifice, walk in the pathway you set before us, and stand firm in you, our Savior, Redeemer, and God.

Lord God, hear our prayer.


Purify and transform your Church. Make it your lamp, shining in this sin-darkened world. Draw it close to you, so that through it, many who are afar off may also be drawn close to you, their light and their life.

Lord God, hear our prayer.


We plead for all who suffer because they name you as Lord. Hide them in the shadow of your wings. Transform their humiliation into your glory. By their patience in suffering, cause their tormentors to repent of their evil deeds.

Lord God, hear our prayer.


Bless this congregation with your dear presence. Make us mirror your humble, self-giving love to everyone we encounter.


Lord God, hear our prayer.


We pray for our enemies and for all who hate you. We pray for the wicked, the spiteful, the violent, the remorseless, and the cruel. Deliver them from the Evil One. Forgive their sins. Give them grace to repent. Heal their spirits, clear their minds, and transform their hearts into thrones worthy of you.


Lord God, hear our prayer.


Through our Baptism, we have been made citizens of your heavenly Kingdom, but we still live in this world. Therefore, we pray for our earthly leaders; for all who wield power and authority; and for all who stand in harm’s way in defense of life and liberty. Give them wisdom, integrity, humility, a hunger for justice and a thirst for mercy. And bestow your heavenly peace upon us all.

Lord God, hear our prayer.


Loving Savior, gather the sick, sorrowing, suffering, and dying beneath your holy wings. Especially we pray for: {List}. Grant them shelter, healing, and hope. Bestow upon to them your strong saving love. Strengthen and encourage everyone who cares for them.

Lord God, hear our prayer.


Most holy Jesus, we entrust to you our faithful departed, and all the innocent victims of violence and injustice – especially your precious little ones whose lives were snuffed out before birth. Shelter them all with your never-failing love. Comfort all who mourn with your never-failing compassion. Guide all who still walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Bring all whom you have redeemed through your passion, death, and resurrection, into your Kingdom, where with your Father and the Holy Spirit, you reign in never-failing joy, peace and love.


Lord God, hear our prayer.


Hear us, dear Lord; and answer our prayers according to your will, to your glory and for the benefit of the people you came to save.



Devotion for Saturday, March 5, 2022

“Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels” (2 Timothy 2:23).

The church is filled with quarrels.  That is just the way the wicked one likes it.  Yes, they exist, but do not be wrapped up in them.  When the Lord sent us into the world with His peace, it was to share the truth of the reconciliation with our Father that comes through grace.  This world is filled with dissensions and distractions.  The Lord has come to clear the way.  Do not be distracted but walk in the truth and concentrate on “the one thing necessary.”

Lord, that which is, reality, is what You have created.  Help me to not get caught up in the endless, distracting, noise of this age, but to seek the truth of the reality You have created.  Guide me, Lord, in all truth so that I may now and always walk humbly with You.  In Your goodness, lead me in the way You know I need to go to avoid the continuous quarrels of this age.

Lord Jesus, You have come in order that we may have life and have it abundantly.  Guide me, O Lord, in all truth.  Your Word is truth.  Lead me in You, for You are truth.  Keep me from speculating on the things I do not need to know.  Keep me from claiming I know when I do not.  Guide me, Lord, to live into the life You have given me by grace.  In You I have all hope.  Keep me now and always in that hope.  Amen.