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“But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness” (1 Timothy 6:11).

Take a look at these things.  If you ever find yourself asking the question, “How then shall I live?”  Here is your answer.  Focus upon these things every day.  These are the jewels of real wealth.  When you have these, the other things of this world which tempt and distract become nothing.  Seek first the things of the Kingdom and then go into the world.  Do not mix up your priorities.

Lord, is it really this simple?  I know it is not easy, but time and again You tell me the simple steps to take to live the life You have given me in grace.  Guide me, O Lord, so that I may do these things, that is, work on them that these actions may reflect who I am in You.  You know how and where I need to be led, Lord.  Lead me in these things so that I would now and always be one who lives by faith.

Lord Jesus, You have come in order that I may walk in newness of life.  Lead me, Lord, in this new way of life and guide me according to Your goodness.  Grow in me the richness of these things so that I may grow each day to be a little more like You.  Lord, teach me how to pursue good things and live in contentment with what You have given me in this world.  Through all things, keep me close to You.  Amen.

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