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“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs” (1 Timothy 6:10).

More than just money, anything that gets in the way of looking to and living for the salvation of Jesus is a root of evil.  Yes, we are distracted, but do not live for things when the Creator of all things has come that you may have true life.  Live into the life you are offered in faith and keep your eye on the prize.  Do not be pierced by the pains of this world, but by the truth of sins forgiven and the new life you have in Christ.

Lord, You know where I am tempted and what it would take to see me wander away from You.  Keep me from all these things.  Guide me in Your goodness so that I would hold fast to You and be led by Your grace and mercy.  You have already given me the greatest treasure.  Keep me from wandering after false treasures or seeking after that which will be destroyed.  Keep me in You always.

Lord Jesus, You have come in order that I may have life and have it abundantly.  Even if I wallowed in poverty, in You I would still be rich.  Let me never be conditional in my faith, but always wholly committed to You, who alone can save me from the pit of destruction.  By Your grace and in Your mercy, let me firmly walk so that I may now and always see that I am truly blessed with the true treasure of heaven.  Amen.

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