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“The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching” (1 Timothy 5:17).

Listen to these words and hear them as they are spoken.  How many times have you heard someone rip into a preacher?  Pets at home are often better treated than the leaders of the church.  Yet, Scripture says “worthy of double honor.”  So, is the problem that they don’t make preachers the way they used to, or that sinners are sinning without repentance?  The principle is to learn from the Lord what He would teach.

Lord, the culture is constantly pushing against the goad.  I am polluted by the culture.  Guide me, Lord, to listen to You and not to the world.  Help me understand that only in You is there hope.  You have given the Word of truth and in You is all hope.  Help me to give honor where I should but have not.  Lead me to do what is right in Your sight and not what the world tells me to do.

Lord Jesus, You are worthy of all honor and praise.  When I do not do as You direct, I am dishonoring You.  When I do not honor those whom You send, I also dishonor You.  Help me learn what I need to know so that I become obedient in all things.  Help me to curb my tongue and open my heart that I may give honor where honor is due.  Lord, You are the One who guides me, and let it be no other.  Amen.

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