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“But she who gives herself to wanton pleasure is dead even while she lives” (1 Timothy 5:6).

If we live for the body, the body is dead already.  Pleasures are fleeting and last for a moment.  But they are merely a reflection of the true pleasure which is in the Lord alone and who is forever.  Why settle for temporary when you can have what you were created for?  Do not look to the world, for they do the same things over and over again.  Look to the Lord who has spoken the Word of Truth.

Lord, temptation is right before me.  You know that I often chose the body over truth.  You know that I cannot resist the little indulgences.  Guide me, O Lord, to look to You in order to receive the greater portion.  Lead me into all truth so that I may now and always live in the reality You have created rather than the indulgences of fleeting moments.  In You is all hope.  Help me dwell with You and in You.

Lord Jesus, hope made flesh, guide me out of the momentary thinking that traps me and lead me into the forever truth You have revealed.  Let me not live amongst the dead as another dead person, but as one who is alive in You.  Guide me this day to move beyond little pleasures that would distract me so that I might live the fulness of life that You give me.  Amen.

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