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“It is a trustworthy statement deserving full acceptance.  For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers” (1 Timothy 4:9-10).

Upon what or whom have you fixed your hope?  It is beyond pathetic if your hope is upon you.  You know how limited you are.  Fix your hope upon the living God who created you.  He is the Creator and the Savior of all.  In Him is life and apart from Him there can be no life.  So live in faith, hope, and love knowing that your hope cannot be based on what you imagine, but what God promises.

Lord, this world is filled with wishful thinking.  You have given solid promises of new life now and later, life everlasting.  Help me to understand these things and fix my hope only upon what You have said.  Guide me, Lord, in the way of the life You have created and keep me from turning inward.  Instead, guide me to always look to You and remember the provision and promise that You have given.

Lord Jesus, there are many things I do not yet understand, nor do I need to, but You have given me all that I need.  It is You, God in the flesh, who is my Savior.  You have come so that all who believe and follow You will have true and everlasting life.  Lead me in this life in order that each day I would awaken and hope in You.  Guide me to walk in this hope and live reflecting the light of faith, hope and love in all I say and do.  Amen.

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