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“In pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine which you have been following” (1 Timothy 4:6).

Listen to the grace of this.  Point them out.  That is what the preacher does, he points them out.  Can you not do the same (if you are not a preacher)?  Of course, you can.  Point to the Word and let the Word do its work.  If they listen, you have discovered a sister or brother.  If they do not, you’ve done what you were asked.  We simply give a witness to the Lord and His grace and mercy.

Come into the presence of the Lord and live according to all that He commands.  Did He not give the Great Commission to us all?  We all are a part of the process of salvation for others.  This “religious specialization” our culture insists as necessary is not from the Lord.  Yes, we each have our spiritual gifts and tasks, but all of us can do what is needed for the Lord.  Live in this truth and learn faithfulness.

Lord Jesus, You demonstrated humbleness.  You, who are the One through whom all things have their being, walked with and met all kinds of people and You treated them the same.  You loved us all enough to die for us.  Yes, I have perpetual questions, but what are these to the truth that You are who You say You are.  Lead me, Lord, in the everlasting way of truth so that I may follow You always.  Amen.

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