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“He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity” (1 Timothy 3:4)

The first thing to always remember is that no one is perfect except Jesus.  The rest of us need a Savior and we have one in Him.  So, this is not a law whereby the leader must be perfect, but an admonition whereby the leader must be one who keeps his household well.  Subjective, yes, but just about every reasonable person knows the line.  The real issue is about balance which was in the previous verse.

Lord, I have no control over anyone, children included.  Good people come from bad stock and bad people come from good stock.  That is not what this is saying.  I believe what You are saying is that we should raise children in the intent of the  verse’s direction, praying our children go with You.  Yet. The way they go is the way they go.  You ask that I allow Your Holy Spirit to work on me in and through all things.

Lord Jesus, I do need help.  By every measure there are so many ways in which I could say I have failed.  Yet in You there is the promise that You will see that it works to good.  Grant me faith to trust always in Your leading and go where You would have me go.  Guide me, Lord, in the way of everlasting life so that I may now and always humbly abide in Your salvation and seek to always do my best.  Amen.

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