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PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH: December 26, 2021:

First Sunday After Christmas OR St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr


Christmas 1 Lessons and Hymns:

Exodus 13:1-3a, 11-15:(Consecrate your firstborn males: I freed you from slavery by killing Egyptian firstborn)

          RCL/ELW: 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26 (The child Samuel ministers at Shiloh)

 Psalm 111: (Great are God’s works; the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom)

 Colossians 3:12-17: (Clothe selves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, forgiveness, love. Let peace of Christ rule in your hearts, and his word dwell in you richly)

 Luke 2:22-40: (In Temple, Simeon and Anna glorify God for Jesus, the fulfillment of his promises)

                RCL/ELW: Luke 2:41-52: (the boy Jesus with the elders in the Temple)



With joy and gratitude for the gift of Jesus, let us draw near to our heavenly Father in prayer, asking his mercy for the Church, the world, and all who need his loving-kindness.

A brief silence

Dear Father, thank you for Jesus. Though your eternal Son, he is also our brother – “flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone.” Thank you for allowing him to share with us every stage of growth, life, and death. Thank you for revealing who Jesus is, and why you sent him. Turn our hearts, eyes, and lives toward Christ, our eternal Dayspring and our heart’s delight.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Make your Church into the true Temple of Jesus. Let it always reveal him as your light and glory for all people. Enthrone him in the Church as your Word, wisdom, and salvation for the world. Unite your persecuted servants to him, so they may confound their tormentors’ scorn and call them to repentance.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Grant safe passage to all who travel in this joyous season. Give endurance, patience, and a sense of humor to clerks, cashiers, waitstaff, delivery truck drivers, and everyone else who labors at this hectic time. Thank you for co-workers of different faiths who willingly “cover” for Christians during these holy days. Help us to graciously reciprocate, even before we are asked.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We lift up before you, dear Lord, the many people and committees of our congregation. Keep our focus on loving you, caring for one another, and sharing the Gospel with those who do not yet know Jesus.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Our Christmas cards and carols often speak of peace and goodwill. Yet we see anger, suspicion, discord, and hatred all around us. Gracious God, we implore you to touch every life with your peace, forgiveness, and love. Clothe each of us with the festive garments of goodwill, charity, and generosity.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bring “tidings of comfort and joy” to everyone burdened by suffering, sin, and sorrow, especially those we name before you: {List}. Gladden the hearts of their loved ones, and give compassion and wisdom to all who care for them.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

 Thank you, dear Father, for the salvation you have granted to all who have died trusting in you. Ease the grief of those who mourn in this season of joy. Lead us into the New Year and into your eternal Kingdom, with the light of Christ around us; with his peace ruling our hearts; and with his word dwelling in us richly. Gather us, with everyone whom you have redeemed through the merits of your dear Son, at your festal Table. There, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we shall joyfully praise and worship you, forever and ever and unto the ages of ages.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

 Thank you for hearing our prayers, dear Lord. We entrust them, and our lives, into your merciful care. Amen.



THE PRAYERS, St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr 


2 Chronicles 24:17-22: (Prophet Zechariah stoned, prays that God will avenge)

 Psalm 17:1-9, 15: (Cry of innocent man; hide me in the shadow of your wings. I will be vindicated, see your face.)

Acts 6:8-7:2a, 51-60: (Stephen arrested – and stoned after he testifies)

 Matthew 23:34-39: (God sent prophets from A to Z, whom you killed. Jesus weeps over Jerusalem, foretells its fall)


With joy and gratitude for the gift of Jesus, let us draw near to our heavenly Father in prayer, asking his mercy for the Church, the world, and all who need his loving-kindness.

A brief silence

 Lord Jesus, your servant Stephen was faithful unto death, and you crowned him with the unfading garland of eternal life. Grant us grace to confess our faith in you with the same boldness. Grant us grace, also, to forgive our enemies with the same humility and mercy.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Fill your holy Church with steadfast faith, holy love, and dauntless courage. Let it always bear faithful witness to you. Through that witness, lead many to Jesus and be saved.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

St. Stephen preached with boldness and served with diligence. Give to the people of this congregation that same boldness and diligence. Fill us with compassion, joy, and faith as we strive to do your will. Use us to bless those around us.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

You were born in a world where kings and princes ruled the nations. Grant to all rulers of today’s world the wisdom and integrity to rightly care for the people you have entrusted to them. Give to all people a measure of your peace, which the world cannot give.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Though you came as Prince of Peace, this world is still filled with hatred, danger, and violence. Guard and strengthen all who stand in harm’s way in our defense. By their labors, establish peace and order throughout the world. Bring them home safely and soon to their loved ones. Bless those who are wounded with healing and strength. Comfort the families of those who have died in the line of duty.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bring the joy of your saving help to all whose lives are shadowed by suffering, sorrow, or loneliness, especially {LIST}. Bless all who care for them. Restore them to full fellowship with those who love them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, you were born that we no more may die. Grant the fullness of your eternal life to all whose earthly life has ended. Grant that we, who still serve you here below, may be led into the bright courts of heaven and to your endless day; and with St. Stephen and all the redeemed, may see you face to face, and worship you in the glory, joy, and majesty you share with your Father and the Holy Spirit.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Thank you for hearing our prayers, dear Lord. We entrust them, and our lives, into your merciful care. Amen.

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