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“Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you all!” (2 Thessalonians 3:16)

Peace in every circumstance?  Yes, peace in every circumstance.  The Lord’s peace is not that all will necessarily be well around you, but that it will be well in you.  You are in the Lord and His promise can never be taken from you.  Therefore, do not worry about the circumstances as much as the truth that you are living in the promise of the Lord.  He who is faithful will fulfil His promises.

Lord, I want what I want, but You grant what You grant and the two are sometimes not the same.  Lead me into Your peace so that above all things I will trust you.  Guide me in Your goodness to know that You alone are our hope and stay.  Guide me into the peace that surpasses all understanding that amidst this world’s trials and travails I may be at peace with You and my neighbor.

Lord Jesus, no matter what was happening, You kept Your cool.  Lead me to learn from You in order that, no matter the circumstances, I need never doubt the hope You give us through Your grace.  Guide me this day to not be anxious, but to live into the hope and promise which is ours through You.  You are with me Lord and in You I have hope upon hope.  Grant me Your peace that I may always know this in every circumstance. Amen.

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