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“For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example, because we did not act in an undisciplined manner among you” (2 Thessalonians 3:7)

The Christian life is a disciplined life.  These things are not said without reason.  Yes, there are those who can take these things too far.  We are not to become Pharisees.  But we also do not need to be all things to all people.  That is the same as being nothing to no one, including ourselves.  Come then and humbly walk with the One who has saved you and live with self-discipline.

Lord, this world is often undisciplined.  Help me to be one who is disciplined in the way that You have modeled through the saints.  Guide me to humbly walk with You always and to apply these things knowing that to do so is wisdom.  Lead me in the upright way and help me to be an example to others that I might live this life You have given me through grace and in faith.

Come Holy Spirit and minister to my inner life.  You know where I struggle.  You know where I give in to the pressures of this world.  You know where my heart is not right.  Lead me through these things so that I would not just be an outward example of Christianity, but also inwardly faithful as I am in outward appearance.  Through all things, continue to encourage me in the way of Christ so that I too would be a faithful example of Christianity.  Amen.  

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