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“But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one” (2 Thessalonians 3:3).

You know that you will experience adversity (and know the Lord uses it for your good) and you know that Lord is protecting you.  Through these things He will strengthen you for all that will come.  Know that the Lord is accomplishing in you what He has purposed from the beginning, so trust in the One who will accomplish this.  The Lord is faithful and will do as He has promised.

Lord, the trials come and I am discouraged.  I do not know whether to go one direction or another.  Help me amidst the struggles of this age to see that in You is all hope and the only future fit for living.  Guide me, Lord, so that I would trust in Your faithfulness and flee from the wicked one.  You are my strength and shield and a bulwark against all adversity.  Let me see how close You are holding me.

Lord Jesus, You know what it is to face the adversary.  You know what it is to be tempted.  You know the difficulties of this world but endured and overcame them.  Lead me, O Lord, to see that in You alone is all hope and a future.  Guide me into that future in order that I may now and always hold fast to the truth of the Gospel that You have shared through Your own body and blood from the cross, granting me life now and forever.  Amen.

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