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“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word” (2 Thessalonians 2:16).

The work we do is not out of compulsion.  We should never be driven by the need to do anything, but in love we have been called by the One who first loved us.  In the good hope of grace and in the faith He gives, do all that you do.  Be strengthened not by your efforts, but by the goodness of the Lord who gives us the eternal hope in the salvation given us by grace.

Take care that you do not fall into the trap of seeing anything in the way of obligation.  Instead, see things in terms of the grace you have received and pass on that grace to others.  In love we are called to live.  God first loved us so that we may love Him and others.  The motivation does need to eventually become loving obedience to the faith.  Move in that direction and you will move closer to the likeness of Christ.

Lord Jesus, You did what You did out of love.  You love each one of us.  Guide me, Lord, so that I would be led by You and not by myself or others.  Let me not fall into the traps of being legalistic nor uncaring about what is right.  Help me always to live according to the word that You have given knowing that You are calling me into Yourself.  Open my eyes to see more clearly and guide my actions to serve more purely.  Amen.

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