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“Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss.  I adjure you by the Lord to have this letter read to all the brethren.  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you” (1 Thessalonians 5:26-28).

Paul was constantly seeking to have the faith be strengthened in every fellowship.  That admonition should not change amongst us either.  We should continue to gather and hear God’s Word, seek wisdom and understanding and live in harmony with one another.  The mark of affection ought to be what covers all that we do.  We need to heed what Paul adjures us to do.

Lord, help me to listen and heed the words You have given in Scripture.  Help me to take them all in.  Let me not be carried away by the insanity of this world but be conformed to the Word which You have already given.  Guide me to live in harmony with the fellowship in which You have placed me.  Let all be covered by Your eternal love which You have richly lavished upon us through Christ.

Lord Jesus, You came as the Incarnate love of God poured out for our sake.  Lead me to practice the love You have given me with those who are around me.  Plant deep into my soul the truth of Your word and guide me according to the will of the Father.  Through all things that come this day, help me to look to You, seeking to be faithful, so that all I do might be pleasing to the Father.  Amen. 

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