October 31: Reformation Sunday

October 31: Reformation Sunday


Jeremiah 31:31-34 (God’s new covenant will be written on the heart)

Psalm 46 (The God of Jacob is our stronghold!)

Romans 3:19-28 (We are justified by faith, apart from works of the law)

John 8:31-36 (If the Son makes you free, you are free indeed)




Let us intercede before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Thank you, heavenly Father, for your Holy Spirit. Thank you for his life-giving and purifying fire. Thank you for his gifts of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and fear of the Lord, and joy in your presence. Thank you for reforming, renewing, and sustaining your one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church on earth.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Pour out that Spirit upon your Church.  Make it your holy habitation. Keep it steadfast in your Word. Strengthen it in the face of temptation and defend it from evil. Reform and purify it from sin and error, and bestow on it your saving peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Be the refuge and strength of Christians when they are persecuted for confessing Jesus as Lord. Grant them the strength to endure, even to giving their life, in faithful witness to him. Give us the courage and will to defend their witness, provide for their needs, and boldly confess the faith and the hope we share in Christ.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Be to this congregation our help and our redeemer. Gladden our hearts with the joy of your saving love. Empower us to share our joy, and your love, with those who do not know either.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Pour out your Spirit upon the teachers and theologians of the Church. Cause them to hand on, as of first importance, the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. Bless church schools, colleges, and seminaries, that they should write your words upon the hearts of many.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Exalt yourself among the nations, and speak your holy word to the leaders of the world. Establish among all peoples that peace which the world cannot give; and teach us to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly before you.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We long for you to break the bow, shatter the spear, and make war to cease throughout the world. Until that day, direct and strengthen all who take up arms in defense of life and liberty. Be their very present help in times of trouble and places of danger. Prosper all they do that accomplishes your will. Bring them home safely and soon.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We lift before you the needs of all whose lives are shaken by suffering. Especially we pray for: {List}. Be in their midst, and let them not be overthrown. Give them your saving help, and say to them, ‘be still, and know that I am God.’ Restore them to health and hope, that they may proclaim the awesome things you have done.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Most holy Lord, we give you thanks for the lives of all your faithful people whom you have claimed and redeemed through the precious blood of Jesus. Grant that we may humbly follow in their footsteps; boldly trust in your promises; faithfully proclaim your Word; and cheerfully serve in your Name. Bring us, through the merits of our Savior, into your Kingdom. There, with all the redeemed, we shall glorify you in the power of your Spirit forever.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Hear our prayers, gracious Father; and answer them in accordance with your will, for the sake of your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, September 30, 2021

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first” (1 Thessalonians 4:16).

Look and listen.  The voice of the Lord can even be heard by those whom we call dead, but whom Scripture says are asleep.  By whatever name, the Lord calls and creation listens.  In the beginning He spoke the word and it was as He spoke.  In whom then will you trust?  Will you trust yourself whose word is weak, or the One through whom all things came into being through His word?

Lord, forgive me when I am unwilling to believe.  Bring me to the place where I stop questioning everything and start living the life of faith that You have given me.  Who is more important?  You are more so than anyone else.  The question seems so silly and yet I often live as though this were a legitimate question.  Help me to have the right priorities and do things the way they ought to be done.

Lord Jesus, You came so that we might have life and have it abundantly.  Guide me this day to do what is right in Your sight.  Lead me according to the never-changing word which You have spoken.  In and through all things, help me to understand that in You is there hope and the eternal future our hearts were created to desire.  Teach me to love as You love and how to live according to Your word.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, September 29, 2021

“For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep” (1 Thesalonians 4:15).

Those who are asleep will not be left behind, nor meet the Lord later than those who are alive.  Sometimes we worry so much about things that will never be in our control.  The Lord has all of this handled.  Know that the Lord has given His promises and will not fail.  Be led by the One who made you and know that He will hold you always in His arms.  Alive here and now or asleep, He has redeemed you.

Come into the Lord’s presence and live as one who knows that He has done, is doing and will do all that He has promised.  Let your faith be guided not by what you can understand, but by what the Lord says.  He who made the heavens and earth also made you.  Who knows but that all of what we call creation was not made in order that we might have the opportunity to live in the presence of the Lord forever.

Lord Jesus, God in the flesh, the One through whom all things were made and in whom all things have their being, lead me fully into Your arms of grace and mercy.  Guide me according to Your goodness so that I would be led by all that You teach and know the goodness of the salvation You have purchased from the cross.  Show me how, O Lord, now and always to walk according to Your word.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, September 28, 2021

“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 4:14).

Do you not know that you have been united with Christ?  You were united in His death in order to be united with Him in His resurrection.  You have also heard Jesus say that only the One who descends can ascend.  If we are united with Him then certainly we shall be resurrected with Him.  Come then and live in the true hope and blessed assurance which are yours in Christ.  Live knowing that He abides in you.

Lord, help me to abide in You as You abide in me.  Guide me in the way of everlasting life so that I would grow in wisdom and mature in assurance.  Lead me according to Thy Spirit in order that in all things I would learn to be gracious with others as You are gracious with me.  Help me learn how to put all these things together to become whom You are making me to be.

Lord Jesus, You have come to unite us with Yourself in order to infuse in us the godly life.  Help me today to apply these things willingly in my life and grow in Your goodness.  Lead me according to the Father’s will to live into the calling You have given me as I apply these precepts of which Paul spoke.  Through all things and by Your grace, help me to grow and mature so that I may live in the eternal hope which is mine in You.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, September 27, 2021

“But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope” (1 Thessalonians 4:13).

How many times have you heard at a funeral, “Now they are an angel.”  Instead of being some kind of condolence, it is a lie that refutes what Scripture says.  We are not, nor will we ever be, angels.  The world grieves because it does not know.  It will settle for a false assurance.  You know that we were created to live into the image of Christ and become a child of God.  Therefore, do not settle for these worldly and lesser things, but put on the mind of Christ.

Lord, I hear these things so many times that I begin to repeat them myself.  Help me to mind my own business, but also hold me fast to what is right and true.  You have spoken truth and any part of what another says that is not true is a lie.  Help me to hold fast to the truth so that I may live into the image of Christ.  Help me to hold fast to the truth that in You is absolute hope and a future.

Lord Jesus, You have come to set us free from the captivity of this age.  In You there is hope, so that we will not remain trapped in the impossible situation of being good while being a sinner.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way of true life so that I would trust in You alone and share with others the hope I have in You in order that they too may have the unalterable hope You give through grace in faith.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, September 26, 2021

“And to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you, so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need” (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12)

Such a simple sentence that says so much.  Be diligent, work for your own needs and stay out of other people’s business.  How much better we would all be if this were the case just in the church.  Of course, Paul means this as a part of the godly life and it is good advice.  Work on this so that you may learn the peace and quiet the Lord intends for your life.  Learn this so you will have the right attitude toward others.

Lord, this looks so easy, yet I find that I sometimes want others to do what I should do.  I sometimes poke into others business and let others do what I should be doing.  Teach me what it means to love You and my neighbor.  Teach me where to draw the line between remaining frugal and self-reliant versus being a part of the community and working together.  Teach me to not be in need but help others when I can.

Lord Jesus, while walking the earth You did these things.  Though You walked around, people came to You and, in one sense, not You to them.  You had all You needed and did not ask for things but gave to those in need.  Teach me how to properly behave toward You and others so that I may live the godly life You intend.  Lead me in the way You know I need to go and help me to go there.  Amen.

October 24: 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 25

October 24: 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 25


Jeremiah 31: 7-9 (God saves, consoles, and leads back the remnant of his people)

Psalm 126 (Israel’s fortunes restored; those who sowed in weeping bring in the sheaves with joy)

Hebrews 7:23-28 (Our perfect, great High Priest is the blameless eternal Son of God)

Mark 10:46-52 (Blind Bartimaeus is healed and follows Jesus on the way)




Let us intercede before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Dear Father, thank you for the mercy, healing, forgiveness, and salvation you lavish upon us in Jesus! Give us courage and persistent faith, so we always trust and follow him along his Way.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Purify and shape your Church into the perfect Temple for your Son, our great High Priest. Make it lovely with holiness, beautiful with mercy, and radiant with truth. Use it to enlighten the spiritually blind, and equip it to lead them along Christ’s way.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


As you consoled and healed the remnant of Israel, do so and more for your persecuted Church. Make it rich in faith, hope, and love. By its witness to Jesus, open the eyes of its sin-blinded enemies, and lead them also along Christ’s way.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless this congregation with such lively faith that we always see opportunities to bring other people to Jesus and his healing love. Make us eager to be companions to those who don’t yet know him. Help us to be their guides along Christ’s way.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Lord, blindness isn’t just a metaphor. It’s a physical reality. We lift before you the challenges and needs of those who are impaired in vision, hearing, and mobility. Help us to bring the light of your love and the music of your Word to them. Help us also to provide the assistance, training, and support they need to flourish. Let us be their “guide dogs” along Christ’s way.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Pound into the heads of our country’s leaders some common sense, humility, and virtue. Teach them that power, wealth, and fame matter less than wisdom, justice, mercy, and integrity. Use them to lead their people along your way.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Thank you for the brave, wise, and good among us who risk so much to protect life, health, liberty, and justice. Renew and sustain their strength and resolve. Use them to mend communities fractured by sickness, violence, and injustice, and to lead many along your way.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Like Bartimaeus’s friends, we plead that Jesus would bring healing and encouragement to all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit. Especially we plead for: {List}. Bring them healing and hope, light and life. Refresh all who care for them, so together they may walk along your way.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Dear Father, we entrust into your care our beloved dead. Ease the sorrow of those whose grief runs deep. Give us strength to encourage and support each other as we follow our blessed Savior along the way that leads to your spacious house and our eternal homecoming.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Incline your ear to our prayers, dear Lord; and answer them according to your most gracious and holy will, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, September 25, 2021

“Now as to the love of the brethren, you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another; for indeed you do practice it toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia. But we urge you, brethren, to excel still more” (1 Thessalonians 4:9-10)

The Lord said that He would write the law on our hearts so that we need not be taught by anyone to love the Lord.  Indeed, the law is written on your heart.  Sadly, many ignore what has been written on their heart.  But you, listen to what the Lord says and no longer follow where you have been sinfully following, but listen to what He has written on your heart.  Seek first His righteousness and then all else will be added.

Lord, grant that I have discernment to know the difference between the heart in rebellion and what You have written on my heart.  Guide me in Your goodness to know the difference.  Lead me in the way of righteousness so that I may now and always be guided by You.  Help me to look to You as the source and norm of all goodness, knowing that Your grace is more than sufficient for me.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for guiding me in all goodness.  Help me to look to You as the model of the godly life and to follow Your lead.  The law has been written on my heart, so teach me how to listen in order that I may hear Your Word of command and obey You.  Through all things that come my way, lead me in the way of goodness and mercy all the days of my life until I see You face to face.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, September 24, 2021

“For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but in sanctification.  So, he who rejects this is not rejecting man but the God who gives His Holy Spirit to you” (1 Thessalonians 4:7).

Listen carefully here.  Some in the body have said that we are freed by Christ so that the law no longer matters.  While it is true that no infraction of the law will once again condemn us and that Christ died for all our sins, this does not mean that we can continue with indiscretion and infidelity.  The Lord freed us from sin, death, and the devil, so do not take up with any of these again.

Lord, I still want to do things the way I want to do things.  Take this from me so that I would do things the way You want me to do them.  Guide me, Lord, in the right way of life that I may humbly walk with You all the days of my life.  Lead me in Your goodness to see that in You is all hope and a future.  In You alone, Lord, do I have my being.  Let me remain with You and be content.

Lord, You know all of the things that tug at me.  You know the struggles that I have.  Guide me now and always, Lord, to walk as one who believes that You have come to eternally set me free.  Lead me in the way of life so that I would now and forever be guided by You in the goodness You have demonstrated.  Lead me, Lord Jesus, and teach me to follow Your example always.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, September 23, 2021

“Not in lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God; and that no man transgress and defraud his brother in the matter because the Lord is the avenger in all these things, just as we also told you before and solemnly warned you” (1 Thessalonians 4:5-6).

Do your passions rule you?  Our culture accentuates feelings and passion, but they can quickly become mindless emotions.  Do not be ruled by how you feel, but by what is right and fitting.  Do not go the way of the world which tells you to always do what feels good.  Go the way of the Lord which directs you to be good.  This is a clear and distinctive way in which others can know you belong to the Lord.

Lord, guide me in the better and eternal way of life.  I can easily follow my heart, my feelings, my passions, but it is not as easy to do what is right.  Lead me, Lord, in order that I may walk humbly with You, my Maker.  Guide me in the right way of living so that I may learn and practice all that You command.  O Lord, You know all that is needed.  Provide all I need so that I may walk with You.

Lord Jesus, I know this is not optional, but a part of what You have come to accomplish in this thing we call salvation.  Yet, I have my part.  Let me not follow the constant noise of this world, joining in their ideas of the pursuit of happiness.  Instead, lead me today and every day to take seriously the admonition You give to humbly walk in Your example and way.  Help me to begin again this day.  Amen.