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“And to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you, so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need” (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12)

Such a simple sentence that says so much.  Be diligent, work for your own needs and stay out of other people’s business.  How much better we would all be if this were the case just in the church.  Of course, Paul means this as a part of the godly life and it is good advice.  Work on this so that you may learn the peace and quiet the Lord intends for your life.  Learn this so you will have the right attitude toward others.

Lord, this looks so easy, yet I find that I sometimes want others to do what I should do.  I sometimes poke into others business and let others do what I should be doing.  Teach me what it means to love You and my neighbor.  Teach me where to draw the line between remaining frugal and self-reliant versus being a part of the community and working together.  Teach me to not be in need but help others when I can.

Lord Jesus, while walking the earth You did these things.  Though You walked around, people came to You and, in one sense, not You to them.  You had all You needed and did not ask for things but gave to those in need.  Teach me how to properly behave toward You and others so that I may live the godly life You intend.  Lead me in the way You know I need to go and help me to go there.  Amen.

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