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“For you recall, brethren, our labor and hardship, how working night and day so as not to be a burden to any of you, we proclaimed to you the gospel of God” (1 Thessalonians 2:9).

If it is at all possible, do not be a burden to anyone.  Think how this is so different in our day where there is an expectation that others will do for us rather than us seeking to do what we can for others.  We are blessed with abilities; so take advantage of what the Lord has given you and do all you can, and in so doing, share the Gospel through the action of your life.  The Lord has invited You to be a partner in the sharing of the Gospel.

Lord, I do often reflect the culture rather than You.  Lead me to see that You have given me my part in the Gospel and that I too can share the Gospel without being a burden on others.  Lead me into how I can do this.  Show me where I do not need to do this.  Through Your grace, help me to live more consistently in the calling You have given me through grace.  May Your Gospel dwell fully in me.

Lord Jesus, You have given us Your all.  You died so that we might be set free from the recompense of sin.  Help me live with the same commitment, giving my all, for even if I would be tempted to hold back, remind me to ask, “For what purpose?”  Through all that comes my way, guide me into a life that is wholly Yours.  Help me see the truth You have revealed and live it in the presence of others.  Amen.

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