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“For you yourselves know, brethren, that our coming to you was not in vain, but after we had already suffered and been mistreated in Philippi, as you know, we had the boldness in our God to speak to you the gospel of God amid much opposition” (1 Thessalonians 2:1-2).

Throughout the time since Jesus ascended, there has been hostility.  Sometimes it is slight and other times it is very dangerous.  The world hates the Gospel.  In spite of these things, the Gospel is preached and those whom the Lord knows, are reached.  You are one who has benefitted, for you have heard the Gospel because of one who came preaching.  Give thanks and always remember to be bold.

Lord, I take for granted the freedoms I have.  Only in You is there hope and an eternal freedom which You alone grant.  Knowing that this is most certainly true, help me O Lord to live into the faith You have given me so that I would stand my ground, live the Gospel, and freely speak of the great love You have given me by grace.  Guide me, Lord, to always be wise in these things.

Lord Jesus, You fought for my sake against the world who hates You.  You went to the cross for my sake even while I was one of those who was hostile to You.  Lead me in boldness to continue forward in faith no matter what.  Guide me into the eternal truth You have revealed.  Let me go forward no matter the opposition.  Lead me to hold fast to the truth which has been revealed once for all.  Amen.  

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