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“You also became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit, so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia” (1 Thessalonians 1:6-7).

Did you ever play the game of dress-up when you were young?  You pretended to be much older than you were.  In a way, when one puts on Christ, they are playing a game of pretend.  “Let us pretend we are like Christ.”  Then, slowly, one actually does become like the one they are imitating.  This is why Scripture tells us over and over to “Put on Christ,” that we may become like Him.

Lord, You have made clear that one of the objects of our faith is to become like Christ.  Help me, O Lord, to not shirk the challenge You have given me, but live toward the goal of becoming like Christ so that I may fulfill what Scripture says.  Guide me, Lord, in the true way of life so that I may be led by You in the strength and admonition of the calling You have given me through my baptism.

Lord Jesus, You are the model of the godly life.  You have come to lead the way so that where You go, I may follow.  In the power of Your Spirit, guide me this day that I may become what You are making of me.  You are Lord and Master and must lead me, for I cannot go anywhere toward what You offer without Your leadership.  Guide me this day and grant me a willing heart to follow where You lead.  Amen.

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