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“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve” (Colossians 3:23-24).

Do you remember the point where Jesus forgave sin.  By this, I mean that He forgives the sin of one against the other as if He were the One chiefly offended?  This is why He said: “forgive as you have been forgiven.”  Well, the reality is that those around you are not the chief point of existence; He is.  All things came in to being through Him and are for Him.  Learn to live this truth.

Lord, guide me in all truth.  You are Truth.  Help me see more clearly each day that in all I do, I am serving You.  Keep me from playing games even with myself so that I may be honest, direct and always truthful.  Guide me in this way of life that from the inside out in order that I may know that all I do matters in Your eyes.  You are the One whom I serve in and through all things.  Lead me to be genuine and true.

Lord Jesus, You have come in order that I may be guided into the truth of all life.  You have called me to go into the world and serve You when I serve others.  Wherever You send me, teach me how to serve You as You want to be served.  You first served me, now teach me how to serve You.  Guide me to do this with a gracious and thankful heart in all I do that I may honor You.  Amen.

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