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“Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity” (Colossians 3:14).

Love is not what you feel, but what you do.  Put on the love of Christ and live as a member of His family.  Treat others as Christ would treat them.  Is this not what the Lord desires amongst His faithful?  Come then and live into the life which is offered you by grace and learn how to live that life through what Scripture teaches.  The Lord prayed that we would be one.  Be one with Him and others.

Lord, You prayed that we would be one even as You are One in Trinity.  Lead me to understand more and more each day what this means.  Mature me so that I may be guided by You and not by the things of this world.  In the hope that You give, guide me, Lord, in order that I may learn to love and be loved.  Teach me what it means to be in unity with You and with those around me who are also in You.

Lord Jesus, there are many things You taught Your disciples.  There are also many things that You prayed for us who follow You to do.  Guide me to learn and to fulfill the prayers You prayed so that in the Father’s will, all might be as He desires.  You know how this can be accomplished.  Guide me to conform to your will that I may be one with You as You prayed.  Lead me where I need to go.  Amen.

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