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“Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices” (Colossians 3:9)

Deceit, slight variations of the truth and other things that are commonly done in this world should be put away.  Do not ask another how they are doing unless you really would like to know what is going on in their life.  Loving others means treating them as you would want to be treated.  Be guided by what is always right and fitting and never repay evil with evil; but repay evil with good.

Lord, show me those places where I am not honest and truthful.  Teach me to be honest and truthful, but also, always discrete.  You know what is needed, so lead me along the path of learning these things so that I may become more and more like Jesus.  Keep me from the practices of evil and teach me the way of Christ.  Show me the difference in order that I may do this every day.

Lord Jesus, You are the way.  Teach me today the way of rightly living in this world.  Guide me according to Your goodness to be sensitive to all things such that I am guarded by truth in the living of my life.  Guarded, but never afraid.  For the sake of the Gospel, guide me into Gospel living so that I may always humbly abide in the salvation You have given me and do what is pleasing in the Father’s sight. Amen.

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