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“Which all refer to things destined to perish with use – in accordance with the commandments and teachings of men?” (Colossians 2:22)

The things of the Lord are the things of the Lord.  The things of this world are the things of this world.  What God has created – the perishable things of this world – will indeed perish.  God has created you to live with Him forever.  Come then and live into the life to which you have been called and do not live for those things which will perish.  In Him is life; it is not found in the things of this world.

Lord, grant me wisdom to see clearly how easily I fall for working so hard for the things that do not matter while not caring about the things that do.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way of truth so that I may now and always humbly abide in You and the promise You have given me through Christ.  Help me to focus on necessary things, laying aside the inessential things of this world so that I may live into the promise of being Your child.

Lord Jesus, You came and taught us to prioritize our lives around the eternal things You showed us.  Guide me Lord in order that I may humbly walk in the truth of Your revelation and live into the life as a child of the Most High.  Teach me all that this means and keep my eye upon the prize.  Lead me, O Lord, and help me by Your Spirit to willingly follow wherever You lead.  Thank You for these gifts.  Amen.

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