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“When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him” (Colossians 2:15).

The ways of this world are opposite to the way of the Lord.  Rulers seek power for themselves, but this is an illusion, for all power and authority have always belonged to the Lord.  Those who are in Him know this and seek to live in accordance with His will.  Those of the world lord it over those under them.  You see this clearly in the Passion when the leaders are nothing compared to the Lord.

Lord, You know what it is to be falsely accused.  You know what it is to have people lie about You.  Teach me to be like You and to be humble in the face of those who are, in public, lying, that they may be shamed by the truth.  You have disarmed me with Your Gospel.  Use Your Gospel through me to disarm others so that we may no longer be at war against You, but serve in Your eternal kingdom.

Lord Jesus, Your kingdom is not of this world.  You have come in order that we may join with You, the One through whom all things have their being.  Lead me into truth so that I may celebrate with You all that You have accomplished.  Guide me to know that in You, through You, and by Your power and authority, I can do all things right and fitting.  Guide me this day to be one who does the Father’s will.  Amen.

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