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“For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority” (Colossians 2:9-10)

All power and authority belong to Jesus.  All means all.  We struggle in this world with the idea of ownership, but the Lord owns what He has made.  But He has set us free.  In that freedom, He seeks to make you complete that You would become a child of God as He, the only begotten, is a Son to the Father.  This is the “in His likeness” of creation.  Be complete by completely submitting to the Lord.

Lord, You know the ways in which I rebel and do not submit to Your authority.  You are the One in whom all things have their being.  In You alone is all hope.  Lead me, O Lord, in order that I may now and always humbly abide in You and You in me.  Guide me along right paths for Your name’s sake.  Keep me always in Your ways so that I may be guided by You along the path of righteousness.

Lead me, Lord Jesus, today and every day.  You know all that I need to do.  You know all that stands in the way.  You know those places in my heart where I need You to remove things and put things in their proper place.  Lead me, Lord, and teach me to follow.  Guide me always according to Your goodness to see, hear, and do what You direct.  Thank You for the call You have given me to follow You.  Amen.

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