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“See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8).

See to it means that you are to see to it.  No, not everyone has your best interest at heart.  There are those who, for their own reason, will lead you astray.  See to it that you keep your eyes upon Jesus.  He alone is the author and finisher of your faith.  You have heard the Word and you know the truth – Jesus – now do not let anyone take this away from you as has happened to so many in our time.

Lord, there are no special and new gifts which are mine.  I cannot figure out the universe through cryptic understanding.  I am not special, nor different from all others.  I do not have a special anointing of any kind and it does not matter how I feel about anything.  You are God and You have saved me through the cross.  Unite me now and forever with You so that I would not be led astray.

Lord, teach me truth.  Build in me a means of detecting all of the garbage that is spewed in our age.  Do not let me ever be led astray.  Keep me close to You and in the Word You have given me so that I would humbly walk with You always.  Lord, You know what lies before me.  Keep my eyes upon You in order that I would not be led astray by the fancy words of this age during my time in this age.  Amen.

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