Devotion for Sunday, June 27, 2021

“Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His body, which is the church, in filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions” (Colossians 1:24).

Will suffering come your way?  Perhaps and probably.  This age is filled with suffering and it has increased.  Many fall away because they want a good-time god who will make them feel good.  Our Lord suffered and called us into a path of suffering for His name’s sake.  Come then and live into the eternal life promised not on your terms, but in the truth of the Gospel revealed once for all.

Lord, may I be of sound mind – the mind that You have put in me – that I may understand these things with greater clarity each day.  You have called me into eternal life.  You have given me the way of life.  You have made these things possible.  Lead me, O Lord, and teach me to follow.  No matter what may come, let me not be one who falls away.  Guide me according to Your purpose.

Lord Jesus, You know what it is to suffer.  You took upon Yourself all of our sins and bore them on the cross.  Seeing Your example, let me never give in to the temptation to think that I would be exempt from suffering.  Help me now and always to abide richly and deeply in You knowing that You are the One who is leading me.  Abide in me Lord and guide me according to the Father’s will now and forever.  Amen.