Increasing (in-Person) Worship Attendance: “One Sunday at a Time”

From a Washington Post article on March 29, 2021: “Church membership in the United States has fallen below the majority [of the population] for the first time in nearly a century … First time this has happened since Gallup first asked the question in 1937, when church membership was 73%.”

Some caveats here: Gallup uses a “scientific” yet relatively small number of respondents for their surveys.  However, Pew Research uses a far larger number of respondents.  And Pew has been seeing a similar, dramatic decline when it comes to not only whether people are formally affiliated with religious institutions (i.e., membership), but also a significant decline in the percentage of Americans who self-identify as Christian.  Second caveat: This Gallup survey was focused on formal institutional affiliation, and Americans have become increasingly cynical about almost all institutions, not just religious ones.  But again, I would refer you to multiple Pew Religious Survey results which have been revealing significant declines not just in formal church membership, but in people self-identifying as Christians by faith.

Now back to this very recent Gallup survey.  From a long-term historical perspective — something Gallup provides — this current survey should be something of a “wake-up call” for church leaders.  One more quote from the Washington Post article: “In 2020, 47% of Americans said they belonged to a church, synagogue or mosque.”  This Gallup survey “also found that the number of people who also said religion was very important to them has fallen to 48%, a new low point in their polling” going all the way back to 1937.

Not surprisingly, the Gallup and Pew Research findings are being reflected in decreasing worship attendance.  And this worship attendance decline was painfully evident in a majority of Lutheran congregations long before the current pandemic.

In the last issue of this newsletter I wrote of ways to improve what your congregation offers to online worshipers.  And I do consider online worship as a needed outreach strategy in the years to come.  However, do not think you can afford to give up on offering quality in-person worship.  Those who already are — and soon will be — worshiping in person deserve your congregation’s best efforts.  Below are some specific, practical suggestions regarding how you can incrementally increase in-person worship attendance: “One Sunday at a Time.

As mentioned, a majority of Lutheran congregations were already dealing with decreasing worship attendance even before COVID.  Needless to say, this can be demoralizing for faithful members on a “number” of levels.  First of all, for them this is about more than numbers, because this decreasing attendance represents friends who are “missing in action”; whether due to inactivity, their having moved, or illness.  Whatever the factors involved, low worship attendance is perhaps the single clearest indication — to members and visitors alike — of a congregation in decline.  Given this fact, anything that pastors and lay leaders can do to noticeably increase attendance will most likely improve congregational morale and bring added energy and enthusiasm to worship services.

Perhaps the best, initial strategy would be having the pastor and a few congregational leaders commit to meeting monthly to coordinate the implementation — one Sunday at a time — to the following, multiple strategies.  (Disclaimer: This is by no means an exhaustive list, and I realize your congregation might already be employing some of these ideas.)  I encourage you to utilize at least one of these ideas on any given Sunday.

1. Special Music – This could be a solo, a duet, a vocal ensemble, or an instrumental performance. Offering this not only improves the quality of your worship celebration, but it also requires the presence of the above musicians; many of whom bring one or more guests to hear them perform.

2. Congregational Sermon Survey – In preparation for the next Sunday’s sermon these very short surveys can be filled out by worshipers during the previous Sunday’s worship service.  Tell them not to sign.  Mention that you will be using some of their comments and opinions in the pastor’s next sermon (or sermon series).  Odds are this will be an encouragement for some otherwise infrequent worshipers to definitely show up the following Sunday.

3. Drama Skits – There are excellent Christian drama skits available.  One example: Drama Ministry at  This Christian ministry offers over 750 small-cast scripts for performance. Obviously, a short (usually under 10 minute) drama means the guaranteed presence of not just cast members, but probably their families, and maybe some friends.  Note: Many of these scripts are quite humorous.

4.  Refreshments Following the Service –  Provide a light “brunch”; if not weekly, then perhaps monthly.

5.  Involve Children and/or Teens in Some Part of the Service (They typically come with parents!) – This could be a musical performance, or as Scripture readers, or ushers and greeters.

6.  Celebrate and Honor People from Your Community – Do this as part of your worship service and invite not just members who qualify but non-members from the community as guests on this Sunday.  Some examples include schoolteachers, first-responders, veterans, fire fighters, police officers and especially in this time of COVID, health care workers.

7.  Enlist Additional Volunteers to Celebrate Church Year Festival Sundays – Maybe enlist members who are infrequent worshipers to help out on these Sundays.  In addition to Christmas and Easter, do not forget the first Sunday in Advent, Epiphany Sunday, Palm Sunday, All Saints Sunday, and Pentecost.  Plan for creative ways to utilize these volunteers.

8.  Use Special Video Resources – While this strategy does not increase attendance on a given Sunday, it can improve the overall quality of your worship celebration.  And that will most likely improve attendance over time.  Free resources on the internet include live performance music videos from Mercy Me (“Even If”) and Chris Tomlin (“Is He Worthy”); and many more.  Obviously, you need to be sure that showing any given video does not violate any copyright laws.  There are also short sermonettes online that could emphasize the pastor’s theme for a given Sunday.  Additional video resources that involve a reasonable fee include drama skits from “The Skitguys” at, and video messages available from the ministry Sermonspice at

Obviously, this is only a partial list.  And you can no doubt come up with more and better ideas for your congregation.  But remember the principal that underlies all of the above: Working on the quality of your worship celebration not just for your faithful worshipers, but in the hope of connecting with new people over time.  So why not organize that small team, involving the pastor and a few lay leaders, to strategize and plan for worship attendance growth: “One Sunday at a Time.”

Note: In the next CORE newsletter issue I will cover the theme of “How to Disciple Online Worshipers.”

ELCA Support for the Equality Act: What Does it Mean?

Earlier this year, I noticed that ELCA Advocacy had given the Equality Act its full and unqualified endorsement.   It also encouraged members of the ELCA to write their Senators, calling upon them to support the legislation.  In doing so, the ELCA made reference to the social statement Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust (HSGT). 

I wrote to Presiding Bishop Eaton, saying:

The ELCA has declared its support of the Equality Act.  It is also urging its members to write to their Senators in support of the Equality Act. What I am wondering is whether the ELCA has given any thought to how the Equality Act will affect those congregations who choose not to call partnered homosexual pastors, or who choose not to perform same-sex weddings.  

As you know, there is debate about whether the act will remove religious freedom protections from congregations and pastors.  Has the ELCA considered this question?  Is the ELCA prepared to defend the right of its congregations and pastors to act in accordance with their “bound consciences” as was promised in 2009

The response came not from Presiding Bishop Eaton, but from Rev. Amy Reumann, Senior Director, Witnessing in Society, ELCA.  She assured me that the ELCA is aware of the “implications with respect to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”  She further stated that the ELCA is “reviewing that language in consultation with a number of our full communion partners and ELCA legal staff.”  Finally, she said that the ELCA hopes “to work with these Senate offices in discerning legislative language that achieves a bi-partisan and fair bill for protecting equal rights and religious integrity.”

I was very pleased to hear this and I had only two requests.  I asked if the ELCA would be willing to reiterate what Rev. Reumann told me in a public statement to ELCA congregations and whether I could share her reply.  She said yes to the latter.  In regard to the former, she asked what kind of public message would be helpful in my context.

It is at this point that our conversation began to go awry.  I gave her a fairly detailed response, clearly stating what I would like the ELCA to reaffirm.  Essentially, I asked that the ELCA publicly restate that choosing not to call a partnered homosexual and not to perform same sex weddings, and teaching in accord with positions 1, 2, or 3 of HSGT are still permitted and encouraged by this church.  Secondly, I asked that the ELCA publicly state its opposition to any language in the Equality Act that would or might punish ELCA congregations for these approved practices.

From that point forward, I received several replies reiterating ELCA policy, along with historical documents that detailed the Ministry Policy Resolutions adopted in 2009.  However, the question about whether the ELCA would publicly reiterate its commitment to those documents and to religious freedom protections for its congregations was not answered.  Finally, after a full week and another e-mail to Presiding Bishop Eaton, I received an e-mail telling me that my concerns would be addressed in ELCA Advocacy materials that would come out in April.

In April, ELCA Advocacy did in fact include the following words in its message:

Some U.S Senators support the intent of the Equality Act but have broader concerns about religious exemptions. There may be amendments proposed responding to these concerns.

As in the Senate, in the ELCA there is a diversity of beliefs and debates about possible impacts of this legislation on religious exemptions.

In an April 13 “guest blog” on ELCA Advocacy Blog, ELCA General Counsel, Thomas Cunniff, wrote:

We urge the adoption of legislation that ensures the full rights of LGBTQ+ persons without infringing on religious liberty or permitting improper government interference in the ecclesiastical activities of religious organizations. Blanket exemptions for anyone claiming a religious motive are too broad and would eviscerate necessary civil rights protections for historically marginalized groups. Not providing space in which dissenting religious groups can practice their beliefs free from government interference, however, would gravely damage freedom of conscience. Moreover, fully exempting statutes from RFRA sets a dangerous precedent of permitting the government to forcibly impose the views of the majority on minority religions, a precedent which could easily be weaponized by a future Congress and President. For these reasons, the ELCA is committed to continue working with others, including full communion partners, to find a solution that fully protects the civil rights of our LGBTQ+ siblings while at the same time protecting the free exercise and conscience rights of religious objectors.

That was not the last word on the matter, however.  On April 16, ELCA Advocacy sent an Action Alert with the following apology:

Issuance of the Action Alert related to the Equality Act on April 13 elicited strong reaction communicated through social media and other channels. Anger, deception, confusion, and contribution to a deepening of harm already part of the lives of many LGBTQIA+ members and other siblings surfaced, along with questioning advocacy process and accountability in the ELCA. For presenting a lack of care on these deep-felt issues, we apologize.  [alert]

It further stated that:

The blog post, “Equal Rights and Religious Freedom,” remains public on our ELCA advocacy blog not for prescriptive purposes but as background on “a false choice between equal rights and religious freedom.” Anticipated is a guest blog post that will provide further perspectives.

This seems to indicate that Mr. Cunniff’s blog post does not express the opinion of the ELCA and in no way indicates how the ELCA will proceed in relation to the Equality Act.  So we are left with a deeply ambiguous and equivocal statement of ELCA policy regarding “bound conscience” and religious freedom.  

Sadly, this leaves us where we began.  Any congregation with a commitment to traditional views on marriage and ordination is left uncertain about the future.

Spring Devotional

Editor’s Note: This piece was written by a Luther Seminary student earlier this spring.

I can’t tell you what spring is like in places beyond the Midwest — I’m sure they have it but it certainly pales in comparison to the spring that we enjoy in Minnesota. Saint Anthony Park and the ever-creaky Bockman Hall were covered in snow one day this week and basked in warm sun the next. Through open windows a new breeze blows in and with it the promise of a new age. A new age not held by the chains of ice and cold but one dominated by the warmth of the sun.

It is on to this odd state of transition that I cannot help but project my own faith. We as believers live in a time of transition. We have felt the warmth of the Son but are all too familiar with the cold and death of sin. Yet just like those experiencing spring in Minnesota, we know that the days of sin are numbered. We may not know for certain what that number is but that God has assigned it.

There is a moment in early March (and yes, I am a hardy one) when we first feel the warmth that God has given us. It is a feeling unlike anything else as it brings us to the end of our reality and then on to the next. That first warm day in March announces that winter is ending and summer is soon to follow. It is a sweet promise but one that loses its meaning if we spend the rest of the season behind closed windows and in a dorm. There, away from the sun, the promise becomes stale.

I remember the moment when I first felt the warmth of Christ. It brought me to the end of my reality and onto the next. Yet it is a warmth unappreciated when it is followed by distance and silence; by greeting the new breeze with closed windows and walls. Like students in spring, we as believers must live into the warmth and not merely observe its effect through a double-paned window. We will never replace the experience of when the Son first broke the cold but we can continue to live into the promise of that which the Son brings.

How do we live in the sun in a time when winter looms so close? I really couldn’t say but certainly we must first step from our dorms and houses and into where that light shines. We know darkness because we have seen light; cold because we have felt warmth. There is wisdom in that simple pairing — now that we have known, we should know.

The snow on my window’s ledge is gone but, without any regard of my own attitudes, it may return tomorrow. Spring is a time of transition, one that aims to break us of winter and usher in a period where we need not worry about snow. Until that time, I will have to wait and celebrate the warmth as it is given — that is the reassurance that allows us to hope for summer even when winter surprises us again.

A. Nestenprest

Devotion for Thursday, May 13, 2021

“For indeed he was sick to the point of death, but God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow” (Philippians 2:27).

It is good to care for those whom you know.  It is good to pray for those in need, but do not make demands in your prayers.  In all things, watch and see the hand of the Lord at work.  Through your prayer, the Lord will grant His grace and mercy according to His will.  Be content that the Lord has called you.  Abide in Him and He in you, for this is as He has told us it must be.  He is Lord and we are His creatures.

Lord, You know all that is needed.  You heal when You heal and bring home when You bring home those who are Yours.  Help me to learn to not be conditional in my faith, but recognize that You are Lord of all.  In and through all things, You have shone the light of Your glory that those who see may come in Your grace and mercy and abide with You unto eternal life.  Open the eyes of those around me to see.

Lord, You have opened my eyes so that I may see Your goodness and mercy.  Lead me, O Lord, in order that I may humbly walk with You today.  Guide me in the goodness of Your grace so that I would not seek to control but know that You are in control of all things.  Abide with me in those moments of trouble, enabling me to be led by You throughout the day to seek You alone, always, and for all things.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, May 12, 2021

“But I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, who is also your messenger and minister to my need; because he was longing for you all and was distressed because you had heard that he was sick” (Philippians 2:25-26).

What do you hear?  Is all that you hear true?  Keep your eyes upon Jesus and what He is doing.  Uplift the saints, but do not listen to the idle talk that goes around.  Yes, this is hard, for we react to news, but if Your heart is upon the Lord, you will know that all things are always in His hands.  The Lord will send whom He will send and we do well to learn to listen and receive, giving thanks to the Lord in all things.

Lord, what would You have me do?  I hear so many things, but half of what I hear is wrapped up in speculation.  Guide me Lord so that I keep my eyes upon You and not be caught up in idle speculation.  Lead me, O Lord, according to Your purpose so that I would now and always humbly abide in the goodness of Your mercy.  In You, Lord, is there hope.  In You is all truth.

Lord, as You have called me, so also, You send me.  I am Your worker in the field.  Send me this day and help me to serve others as You have served me.  If I hear idle things, close my ears so that I would not become excited over things I know nothing about.  Through all things, lead me according to Your grace and mercy so that I may be approved in Your sight.  Work through me today, Lord.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, May 11, 2021

“Therefore I hope to send him immediately, as soon as I see how things go with me; and I trust in the Lord that I myself also will be coming shortly” (Philippians 2:23-24)

Paul desired to impart the Gospel to those who would receive it.  Impart and not just talk about it.  There is something very real which is given in the Gospel.  It is not just an idea, but the power of God unleashed amidst the thoughts and ideas of this world.  You have heard, but have you believed?  You have received, but is the truth alive and active in You?  These are the things Paul is talking about.

Lord, help me to understand these things.  Yes, they are a mystery, but it is what You say in Your Word.  Guide me into deeper understanding so that I may begin to grasp the reality of mysteries You share through Your Word and through those whom You send who speak Your word.  Lead me, O Lord, in order that I may be guided by Your goodness and mercy always.  Help me receive the truth that I may always walk with You.

Lord Jesus, Word made flesh, You have revealed the light and life that is present through You in this world.  Guide me in Your goodness so that I may now and always listen and learn as You would have me listen and learn.  Guide me to walk where You would have me walk.  Take away from me the desire to follow my own heart and teach me how to follow You.  In all things, help me to see that You are with me.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, May 10, 2021

“But you know of his proven worth, that he served with me in the furtherance of the gospel like a child serving his father” (Philippians 2:22)

Will you receive those whom the Lord sends?  In our day we want credentials, but if one is sent of the Lord, will you receive him as the world teaches you, or as one sent by the Lord?  Many an angel has been passed by unaware because they will not be received.  The Gospel will be furthered.  The question is whether you will be a part of what the Lord is doing around and through you.

Lord, grant that I would have discernment such that I would be aware when You are present.  Help me hear when You are speaking through another.  Guide me in the way of life which You have created.  If I am sent, help me to bear all things for Your sake.  If another is sent, open my ears to hear Your message through them.  In all things, lead me to see, hear, and do what You know I need to receive and do.

Lord Jesus, You have empowered us through the gift of grace to be on the path of becoming children of the Heavenly Father.  You have given us the example of what that looks like.  Lead me, Lord, so that I would be guided by You to give and receive according to Your purpose.  Help me this day in all of my struggles so that I would learn and grow in the way of the Gospel.  Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, May 9, 2021

“For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare.  For they all seek after their own interests, not those of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:20-21).

Do you have those around you who are genuinely interested in your spirit?  The purpose of our Christian fellowship is to first and foremost be a place where the relationship with our Lord and Savior is kindled and nurtured.  Yes, there is the social aspect, but that is secondary.  Work to keep right priorities so that you may live into the life for which you have been called through grace.  Be led by all that our Lord is doing.

Lord, You have built communities that encourage us to live lives of faith.  No community is perfect, but all that are in You are there to be an encouragement.  Help me to be a part of  the community in which You have placed me knowing that it is about You and not about me.  Help me see that You are always at work and that in and through You all things will come together according to the Father’s will.

Lord Jesus, the fellowship is another name for the bride You are raising up to be in You and You in them.  Help me to keep my priorities straight and live into the life You are creating in me as well as in those who are gathered with me in fellowship.  Lead me to see that in You alone is there hope and the only future worth living.  Guide me this day to be a part of the bride You have called out amongst those who have become faithful by Your call.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, May 8, 2021

“But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, so that I also may be encouraged when I learn of your condition” (Philippians 2:19).

We need workers in the vineyard of the Gospel to share with us the truth of salvation.  In our modern, self-reliant world where we use the internet, we forget that our faith is personal and relational.  Receive the Timothys that come into your midst and know that every worker is worthy of his or her wages.  Be encouraged and be an encouragement to others.  There is nothing new under the sun, so rely upon what the Lord has done consistently throughout the ages.

Lord, I do not know if every age has done this, but I live in a time where we think we are different.  We are not, but we think we are.  Help me to look to You so that I may gain the wisdom You offer, and receive and share what You give.  Help me to be an encouragement to others and to receive the encouragement You send through them.  In and through all things, lead me in the way of everlasting life.

Lord Jesus, You have come so that we may have life in and through You.  Let me receive You as You come to me in order that I may grow in Your likeness.  Let me receive others as You send them so that I may always be obedient even with what You intend to do through others.  Open my eyes to see these things and rejoice in all that You have done so that we may have the abundant life You intend through grace.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, May 7, 2021

“You too, I urge you, rejoice in the same way and share your joy with me” (Philippians 2:18).

We are to rejoice in one another.  We are to cherish the ways in which the Lord is working in our midst.  We are to look to Him and be glad that He is working through us.  Are you working toward these things?  See this in stark contrast to the world in which we live and its selfish ways.  Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the One who gave His life to save you.

Lord, teach me the way of salvation.  Guide me now and always in the way You have established so that I would walk the narrow road You have placed before me.  Now and always, may I be guided by You and the way of everlasting life.  Help me, Lord, to see through the temptations of this age in order to settle on the good and firm ground of Your grace and mercy.  Teach me how to share the joy of salvation with others.

Lord Jesus, You did not count the cost, but gave up everything so that we who were in rebellion might be reconciled with and through You.  Guide me, Lord, in order that I may now and always live in to this life of faith.  Help me walk through those times where I look only at myself in order that I may rejoice with others in what You are doing through them.  Lead me, Lord, and teach me how to always follow You.  Amen.