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“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!”  (Philippians 4:4)

Joy is not happiness.  Being happy is an emotion; joy is a place of being.  In the Lord, regardless the immediate circumstances, you have hope and a future.  You therefore have joy.  Your joy cannot be taken from you.  Live then having your joy rekindled day after day.  The world would steal your hope, but the Lord reminds you that your hope is in Him and He is forever.

Lord, teach me each morning to look to You and be reminded that You have given me all hope.  Guide me in Your goodness so that I may begin each day thanking You for the gifts You continuously give.  In You Lord is all hope and a future.  That future is assured because You have given Your promise and You only need to promise once.  Let me rejoice in Your grace and mercy.

Lord Jesus, grace Incarnate who gave His life that we may live, let us rejoice in the gift You have given so that we all may have abundant life.  In You Lord is hope and the only future worth living.  Lead me this day according to the Father’s purpose so that I would abide richly in You as You teach me how to rejoice in this day.  Let me learn how to always rejoice in Your goodness and mercy.  Amen.

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