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Lutheran CORE continues to provide monthly video reviews of books of interest and importance.  Many thanks to Ken Coughlan, media director and director of international programs for Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church and Christian School (NALC) in Joppa, Maryland, for doing this month’s video review.  His review is about the book, Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, by Greg Koukl.    

Ken Coughlan describes this as “a unique book that fills a gap for many pastors and laypeople alike.”  He further writes, “The book is less about the ‘what’ and more about the ‘how.’  In other words, people know the Great Commission tells us to take the gospel to the ends of the earth, but they often feel held back by nagging questions like ‘How do I begin the conversation,’ ‘What do I do if they ask me something and I don’t know the answer,’ or ‘Shouldn’t I get some seminary classes under my belt before I go out there?’”

In this review, Ken Coughlan summarizes some of the unique contributions Koukl provides in giving Christians a game plan to talk to non-believers in a respectful manner that honors Christ and reassures us that we can and should share our faith in Jesus with the world.

This review, as well as six others, have been posted on our YouTube channel.  A link to the channel can be found here.  Many thanks to those who have made the reviews.    

Our plan is to publish a new video book review during the first week of every month.  Many of the books that are being and will be reviewed are described in the List of Confessional Resources on the Seminarians page of our website.  That list can be found here.

When you look at a video review for the first time, please click on the Subscribe button.  As enough people do that, it will eventually help us to get a channel name that will include our organization’s name.  

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