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“For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare.  For they all seek after their own interests, not those of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:20-21).

Do you have those around you who are genuinely interested in your spirit?  The purpose of our Christian fellowship is to first and foremost be a place where the relationship with our Lord and Savior is kindled and nurtured.  Yes, there is the social aspect, but that is secondary.  Work to keep right priorities so that you may live into the life for which you have been called through grace.  Be led by all that our Lord is doing.

Lord, You have built communities that encourage us to live lives of faith.  No community is perfect, but all that are in You are there to be an encouragement.  Help me to be a part of  the community in which You have placed me knowing that it is about You and not about me.  Help me see that You are always at work and that in and through You all things will come together according to the Father’s will.

Lord Jesus, the fellowship is another name for the bride You are raising up to be in You and You in them.  Help me to keep my priorities straight and live into the life You are creating in me as well as in those who are gathered with me in fellowship.  Lead me to see that in You alone is there hope and the only future worth living.  Guide me this day to be a part of the bride You have called out amongst those who have become faithful by Your call.  Amen.

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