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“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).

Many have heard this Scripture.  Few realize the truth of this.  This world is filled with turmoil.  We struggle against principalities and forces.  Life is in Christ, for He is the author and finisher of our faith.  Apart from Him, we can do nothing.  If you hear nothing else, hear this: the absolute centrality of Christ.  This is not said lightly, but it is the truth.  Live in, for, and with Christ!

Lord, I often take my faith too lightly.  I do not act as if You are above all things, but You are.  Lead me away from being so trivial and into a life that knows You are central to all things.  Guide me according to Your principles to live for You knowing that the day is shortly coming when I shall be with You in eternity.  Guide me always along the way so that where You are, there I too shall be also.

Lord Jesus, You are the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father apart from You.  Guide me, Lord, to live into this life You have made possible for me through grace.  Let me not be afraid of death, for it is before us all, but knowing that You have already overcome death and that when that day comes, I shall stand before You face to face.  Guide me, Lord, in Your goodness to live for You as You have died for me.  Amen.

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