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“The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel; the former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition rather than from pure motives, thinking to cause me distress in my imprisonment” (Philippians 1:16-17).

The behavior of people has been the same over the ages.  Some see living in this world as a conflict and battle.  Others are constantly seeking for gain.  The Gospel comes and many do not know what to do with it.  God loves you and has prepared the way for you to join with Him in eternity.  Some will move along this path for their own reasons, but the Lord knows our hearts.  Why are you reading these words?

Ultimately it boils down to the words, “Thy will be done.”  Either it will be us saying to the Lord, “Thy will be done,” or else the Lord saying to us, “Thy will be done.”  No matter what anyone says, this is the final destination.  Where will you be?  Who is going to rule your heart?  Will it be you or will it be the Lord.  You cannot serve two masters.  This has always been the question before us.

Lord Jesus, grant that I would accept Your grace and live into the life You give me through that grace.  Lead me to stop the rebellion that is in me so that I may live into the life You give.  Guide me today and every day in order that I may now and always live for You and the kingdom You give.  Lead me to have pure motives and seek the Father’s will in and through all the things I do.  Amen.

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