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“For it is only right for me to feel this way about you all, because I have you in my heart, since both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers of grace with me” (Philippians 1:7).

We each have our part in the unfolding drama of salvation which the Lord has accomplished on our behalf.  Come then and rejoice in the gift you have been given, living your part.  We are those who have relinquished our selfish will so that the will of the Father would be done in us.  We are the ones who are living in the hope of the Gospel because of what Christ has accomplished for all who believe.

Lord, You have laid before us the truth of the ages.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way of truth so that I may now and always be guided by You with Your guidance.  Confirm in me the Gospel in order that I would be willing travel any distance and bear any difficulty knowing that I too am now in adversity to this world which hates You.  Help me to be reconciled with You and not the world.

Lord Jesus, all that is needed You have already provided.  Lead me this day and help me to walk faithfully with You.  Let me care for others as You have cared for me.  Guide me in the way of the Gospel truth and help me to hold fast to all that You have revealed.  In You, Lord, is all hope and an eternal future.  Keep me abiding richly in You so that Your Gospel may radiate from me.  Amen.

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