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“Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.   Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptible love” (Ephesians 6:23-24).

Listen to this benediction.  Peace and love with faith be with you.  What is it we should desire?  Is it not these things?  Why do I spend so much time on things that do not matter and so little time on what my heart truly desires?   Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. Come into the presence of the Lord and live in His peace and love.  Share the light of this truth with all whom you meet.

God has given us life.  God has shown us how that life is to be lived.  Will you follow the Lord’s lead and live into the life you have been granted through grace?  This is the proposition of the faith.  You can live for yourself or you can live the life for which you were created.  In that you have the freedom to chose.  Choose the better portion and live life as it is meant to be lived.

Lord, teach me Your way so that I would live with grace, loving my neighbor.  You have come as the example of the godly life, giving Your life so that we may live.  You have come to be the expression of love in a world filled with rebellion.  By Your example, help me now and always to live into the hope which is mine through the salvation You give.  Amen.

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