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“But that you also may know about my circumstances, how I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make everything known to you” (Ephesians 6:21).

We share with one another as we are able.  The Lord has shared what we need to know.  We have not yet received everything, but this we know: He who created us has also made possible our redemption.  The redeemed are seeking truth.  You have the words of eternal life.  Let us come then and be encouraged by those whom the Lord sends.  Listen and learn.  Know that in the Lord You will become whom He is making you to be.  He who created you has great plans to prosper you and keep you from evil.

Lord, You must be Lord and I must submit.  I am often struggling with this because although I know You are Lord, I always seem to want to inject my opinion in almost every matter.  Help me to learn how to sit back and listen.  Help me learn how to take directions.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way of true life so that I may walk according to Your guidance and not according to my self-directed way of living.

Come, Holy Spirit, and fill me and prepare me to go out.  Let me not be concerned with myself; but help me to lose myself in You.  Through all things, strengthen me in this faith that You have given me and continue to conform me to the image of Christ.  Lead me, O Lord, and teach me to follow.  You have already given me all that I need.  Help me see and put these things together so that I may become complete as You are complete.  Amen.

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