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“And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:18-19)

For what do you live and what are the things you want to do?  The world wants to feel good.  Feelings are fine, but they are fleeting.  Instead, focus upon what the Lord has in mind and do the things that are right and good.  A glass of wine for the stomach, but not a bottle to get drunk.  Yes, you feel, but do not live for those feelings.  Live the good life to which You have been called through Christ.

Lord, teach me temperance.  I do not have balance and I do not always even know what balance is.  Teach me how to live a balanced life, neither stern, nor dissipated.  Guide me to do what is right in Your sight, living as You have created life to be lived.  Teach me how to rejoice in You and live the good life for which You have called me.  In all things, let me look to You as my source and comfort.

Lord Jesus, You lived life in full while here.  You showed a balance to which You call us to live.  Teach me that balance so that I would learn from You how to live in this mixed up world.  Guide me according to Your goodness to live each day as it comes, giving praise to You and doing what is right in the Father’s eyes.  Through all that comes this day, let praise and thanks be in my heart and on my lips.  Amen.

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